Summer – yea! We’re celebrating the advent of warmer weather here in Colorado because we’ve had rain, rain, rain the entire month of May. Wish I could send some of it to my family and friends in California. In addition to the joy of blue skies and
In preparation for Memorial Day at our house this year, I planted pansies and petunias in the back yard and stretched deer netting over the columbines and roses in the front to discourage nocturnal grazers. I also bought new lawn chairs. After setting everything up, I decided
My guest today is Dianne Neal Matthews, multi-published devotional author. Dianne’s inspirational words last week on the Christian Authors Network prayer link were such a blessing I asked her to share them with you, my readers, today. You’d think that anyone who writes daily devotionals begins
#Alwaysbeforeme In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m sharing a page from my devotional book, Always Before Me. Enjoy! Shiny Shoes The man with the shiny black shoes sat down on our living room sofa and told us why the US Army was a great career choice for
Comment to enter my #giveaway! When I was a young summer bride, newly arrived in Colorado with my cowboy, our first home was in Greely—feedlot capital of the world. Locals called the beefy fragrance permeating the shady streets and college campus “the smell of money.” But it
Today I’m guest posting on Alexis Goring’s blog with a devotional about happy-ending romance. Seriously? In this world? Check it out: Is a Happy-ending Romance for Real?
Saturday I drank coffee and sat at the feet of one of my favorite authors as she shared her expertise and experiences – all day! Rachel Hauk was the speaker for this year’s Write in the Springs conference hosted by the Colorado Springs chapter of American Christian
He lives. Everybody thought it was over, but it wasn’t. Imagine yourself in Judea around A.D. 33. Would you have been surprised? Would you have been frightened? Relieved? Looking over your shoulder, wondering who was your enemy and who wasn’t? Would life ever again be the same
I am pleased this week to welcome guest blogger and debut author, Norma Gail Thurston Holtman, with her encouraging words about the storms we all face. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
Springtime in cow country means the babies are running and romping. I love watching them bound away from their mamas, squiggley tails straight up like a cat’s, then bound right back again. They exemplify the season’s name: Spring! These calves have convinced me that this is the
I’m working on a Cowboy Brides story for Barbour Publishing and loving every minute of it. I’ll be the first to admit, I like to escape into a good book, and trying to write a good book is just as much a form of escape as reading
My guest blogger today, author Amy Blake, spotlights an important balance point. Be sure to leave Amy a comment and check out her latest release, Whitewashed. To me, the gospel is all about the intersection of mercy and truth. The truth is as sinners, we deserve
The shadow of His wings has become an important theme since a family member has fallen so ill. Two weeks ago I blogged about the juniper branches in our yard spreading like protective wings over the birds and rabbits and squirrels, providing shelter during winter storms. Yesterday
This photograph captures three birds. The first two are obvious; the third one is entering their shelter. Can you spot it? The snow-blanketed juniper in our back yard is one of many spreading varieties around our Colorado home that offer dry haven to rabbits, birds, and squirrels.
Seriously? Women are supporting the book, Fifty Shades of Grey? They approve exploitation? Where are those who will stand up and say, “This is not a story of love”? If you want romance, read romance. Read uplifting, liberating stories of “love wins.” There are countless books by