My Way – and a Giveaway
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Things don’t always work out the way we hope they will. Let me rephrase that: Rarely do things work out the way we hope. Or expect. Or plan. Or even pray. Could that be because we’re not listening? I will not divulge how many

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Give Thanks … and a Giveaway
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer We hear it a lot, don’t we? The cloaked condemnation that demands we “Be grateful,” for “things could be worse,” and we “have it better than most.” Some of us find it hard to swallow this Thanksgiving side-dish because we’ve filled ourselves on “But Why”

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Favorite Christmas Carols – and a giveaway!
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Christmas carols – I love them. That’s because I don’t sing them year-round or even in November. I wait until December and then savor them at church, in my home, and in the car on the radio. Many of the carols have roots in

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Take Refuge in Him – (and a giveaway!)
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Last month I visited the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. After my initial amazement at how large the replica Ark was (built according to biblical dimensions), I was humbled by the lengths to which God would go to save His people and creation. The

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Greater Love and a Giveaway!
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” wrote Elizabeth Barrett Browning. For simplicity’s sake, let’s merely count the kinds of love. Romantic love. Empathetic love. Brotherly love. Unconditional love. Unfailing love. Mature love. Sacrificial love. Endless love – as is the

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National Pumpkin Day and a Giveaway!

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer I think there is a National Day for just about everything, but I could not pass up the day set aside for pumpkins – that lovable, roundish, grooved member of the gourd family.  Pumpkins may have even made their way into the Old Testament.

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Multi-Author Christmas Scavenger Hunt!
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Welcome! This week I’m part of a multi-author Christmas scavenger hunt and I’d love it if you’d join us in the fun. At each author’s blog, you will find a question that can be answered by checking out the free preview for their book

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Make A Joyful Noise – and enter for a giveaway!
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer I’m a Christmas-carol fan. The music takes me back to my childhood and all those candlelight Christmas Eve services we attended. From there I went on to high school choir and church choir and – okay, I admit it – I know all the

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What If? (and a giveaway)
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Authors are always asking themselves what-if questions. Such a habit seems contradictory in the lives of those who believe the Lord will provide their every need. As one of those believers, I’ve learned it’s highly unproductive to plague myself with questions like, “What if

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Meet Caryl McAdoo, Author of Texas Tears from Thanksgiving Books & Blessings
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Summer is slipping away and September will be here in two weeks. So will a new six-book collection of historical Christian romances, “Thanksgiving Books & Blessings.” I’m excited to be a part of this collection and honored today to introduce you to the veteran

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Memorial Day Historical Giveaway
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I felt it quite fitting that today’s post for Memorial Day be presented from wartime novelist Kate Breslin. Kate’s answers to my questions are well thought-out and insightful. Comment below for entry into a giveaway for a paperback copy (ships US) of her latest release, Far Side

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HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT … and a giveaway
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I’m happy to introduce guest-blogger, author, and dancer Laura Padgett today. Expression is her forte! Can you relate with her take on masks? Be sure to comment below for entry into a drawing for Laura’s devotional book, Jesus in Shorts – a great play on words! Masked

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Guest Post by Author Susan G. Mathis and a Giveaway!
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“Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!” Many of us struggle with gossip, frivolous chatter, and unwholesome talk – all caused by what the book of James calls “a small part of the body…that makes great boasts,” the tongue. James goes on to compare the

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Books I Read & Loved in 2018, plus a Giveaway!
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer I read a lot. No surprise, right? Today I’m sharing some of my favorite reads from 2018. All are what I consider to be uplifting. That doesn’t mean character lives are trouble-free. Far from it! But the end results are redemptive. That’s important to

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It’s A Dog’s-Life and A Giveaway
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer As an author, I tend to fall in love with some of my characters, including the animal characters. For my inspirational-Western-romance books, this means I’m collecting horses and dogs, metaphorically speaking. However, I may be collecting a real-life hound companion for Blue the Cowdog

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