National Pumpkin Day and a Giveaway!


By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

I think there is a National Day for just about everything, but I could not pass up the day set aside for pumpkins – that lovable, roundish, grooved member of the gourd family. 

Pumpkins may have even made their way into the Old Testament. Some scholars think “Jonah’s gourd” may have been a type of Middle-Eastern pumpkin. 

However, in our modern world, the pumpkin and pumpkin-spice flavors take over the food industry this time of year. You can get pumpkin flavored …



Ice cream


Room spray



Coffee creamer


And of course, pie.

If you can add something new to the list, do so in the comments below and I will enter your name in a drawing for a free copy of my e-book, Mail-order Misfire, the Front Range Brides prequel. (The winner will be announced in next week’s blog.)

Happy punkin-hunting!

But before you go, check out the story of the prophet Jonah in the Old Testament. The little book of the same name is tucked between Obadiah and Micah and is only four chapters long. I particularly like the last two verses. Can you guess why? (If you try, I’ll add your name to the drawing – a second time if you also suggest something pumpkin-flavored.)

God spared a lot of people in the story of Jonah—people that the prophet did not like, and thought were evil. People who had nothing to do with God and His ways. Do you think He could do the same today for people we might consider to be “on the other side” from where we stand? What a great season of prayer this could be for us as His children.


What a great season of prayer. Share on X

ALT="Mail-order Misfire" With a cup of coffee and two oatmeal cookies, Etta sat down at the kitchen table to plan what dishes she’d prepare for the meal. Bern’s approval of her mincemeat pie set that item at the top of her list, followed by sweet yams, three loaves of fresh bread, seasoned dressing, and pumpkin pies, thanks to the little sugar pumpkins she’d rescued from the garden before the freeze. However, she was running low on spices, a costly commodity but necessary. With what she’d saved from her earnings, she had enough to splurge on cinnamon and nutmeg with plenty left over for a train ticket to Denver.
   She dunked a cookie in her coffee, and her heart sank with it at the prospect of going to Denver, but she refused to return to Independence. With her parents long gone, she had no other choice. She’d certainly not remain in Lockton with her feelings so tied up in Gracie and Bern. Dottie had insisted she stay with her in her little cabin on the outskirts of town, and Etta had promised to do so if the need arose.
~Mail-order Misfire


Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"Want a free book? Sign up for my Newsletter!

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(c) 2020 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

 #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance

14 thoughts on “National Pumpkin Day and a Giveaway!

  1. Margaret F


    1. davalynn

      Margaret – absolutely!

  2. kim hansen

    pumpkin spices essential oil

    1. davalynn

      Kim – that sounds wonderful!

  3. Esther Searcy

    smoothies are great with this as a flavor with pumpkin spice for pies added
    Jonah is a good example of how we can forget what God has done for us when comparing ourselves with others especially those who differ from us

    1. davalynn

      Yum, Esther. Great suggestion!

  4. Barbara York

    As a planter or base for pretty mums.

    1. davalynn

      Barbara – yes!

  5. Anke Giegandt

    Pumpkin spiced Gnocchi. Very Italian, and well known here in Germany.

    1. davalynn

      Anke – Okay, now I’m hungry!

  6. Joan Larson

    Pumpkin Pie Chapstick

    1. davalynn

      Joan – how fun!

  7. Karen Gee

    I found a recipe for doggie treats that sounded good enough to eat at Peanut butter & Pumpkin dog treats!
    In reading Jonah, it reminds us again to remember God’s mercy and compassion for all. He desires destruction for no one! He always gives the unjust a warning with a chance to repent. We should also show the lost mercy as we were all once sinners saved by Grace!

    1. davalynn

      Wonderful, Karen. Thanks you!


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