Give Thanks … and a Giveaway

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

We hear it a lot, don’t we? The cloaked condemnation that demands we “Be grateful,” for “things could be worse,” and we “have it better than most.”

Some of us find it hard to swallow this Thanksgiving side-dish because we’ve filled ourselves on “But Why” pie and “It’s Not Fair” fillet.

However, I’ve discovered over the years that thankful-thinking really does work. Especially if I don’t start with—or wait for—my emotions to jump on the plate.

It’s not about feeling grateful, it’s about being grateful. And aren’t we, after all, human beings ?

Not that we should look heavenward and snipe, “Yeah, God, thanks a lot.” No. Save the sarcasm sauce for the cranberries.

Rather, realize we have a choice. And since our responses are probably the only things over which we truly have control, why not choose gratitude?

It’s easier if we start with small bites.

Give thanks for the hot coffee in your cup. Give thanks for the cup.

How about that person who smiled at you in the market? (If no one smiled, maybe you could start the process.)

What about the glorious reboot of seasonal change? Remember, it’s not sweltering summer or withering winter forever.

Do you have a Bible to read – pixel or paper? Do you have clothes and shoes to wear? Breath in your lungs?

The fact that we’re on this side of the grass and not under it is worthy of appreciation.

Yes, but life is so unfair,” you may argue. And you’d be right. Life is unfair.

Maybe you see things differently, but as for me, I am extremely grateful that I don’t get what I deserve.


May the Giver of every good and perfect gift warm your soul and fill your heart this Thanksgiving season.

It's not about feeling grateful. Share on X


List at least one thing for which you are grateful in the comments below. I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a free copy of my e-book, Mail-Order Misfire, a tender Thanksgiving tale of hope and second chances.


In everything give thanks,
for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I Thessalonians 5:18

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A tender Thanksgiving tale.

Etta had collected several yellow leaves and pressed them between the pages of her Bible as keepsakes from her time in Lockton. A precious reminder of the afternoon she’d spent alone with Bern. Full of surprises he’d been, first with his invitation and then his open-hearted sharing, and she still ached at the story of his uncle and father. In his own way, he embodied what they each stood for. No wonder he’d agreed to serve Lockton in both professions, though she sensed it was taking a toll on him.

She sensed something else as well, yet she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Every now and then she caught him watching her, his mouth slightly open, as if he was about to speak. Then he’d clamp his jaw and turn away.

But with preparation for the Thanksgiving feast in just three weeks, she had little time to dwell on what might be troubling Bern. Thanks to Dottie Dalton, she had a fairly good idea what to expect—food and more food. As the little woman had said when Etta first arrived in Lockton, she’d heard others mention that the Thanksgiving feast was the biggest event of the year.

The school children planned to present poems and songs, and evenings found Etta helping Gracie memorize her parts.

However, one tradition had Etta in a fix, for each person present at the meal was to share their greatest blessings from the year. Gracie had been practicing for months, and Etta learned that her list was what she had been secretly writing in her room.

Etta knew exactly what she wanted to say, but feared she’d not be able to get it past her lips. ~Mail-Order Misfire


Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"FREE book and Newsletter!

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(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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8 thoughts on “Give Thanks … and a Giveaway

  1. Dawn

    My children

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Dawn.

  2. Carol Fritz

    Thankful I still have my daughter, as she had emergency surgery in July, and came close to dying.

    1. davalynn

      Most definitely, Carol. Yes.

  3. Lori Smanski

    I have many things to be thankful for. But one of my top ones is all the doctors that have helped me become a ‘normal’ person. I have had epilepsy since I was 13. At first in the little farm town they didn’t know what they were dealing with. They sent mom and I to Loma Linda in CA. There they were able to pin point the problem. Being a month and half born early and the trauma that came with it, set in motion brain problems. Sixty four years ago they were just on the edge of knowing what it was and why. I still have it. But now I have been seizure free for the last 20 years. God is truly good.

    1. davalynn

      What a wonderful praise, Lori. God is indeed good!

  4. Sharon

    This year has been one of the most difficult years of my life. The Lord has been there every step of the way and He has answered every prayer through deaths, illness and surgery. The last biggest hurdle this year was a kidney transplant for my oldest son. He received an anonymous donor kidney and is recovering well. He received the gift of life and will be able to go on and raise his three daughters. Through the Lords grace, mercy, love and blessings myself and my family have made it through this year. We are truly thankful! Please don’t consider me for the drawing. I already have your book and loved it!

    1. davalynn

      Wow, Sharon. What a magnificent blessing. Life! And thanks for reading. So glad you enjoyed the book.


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