Take Refuge in Him – (and a giveaway!)

ALT=" replica of Noah's ark"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Last month I visited the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky. After my initial amazement at how large the replica Ark was (built according to biblical dimensions), I was humbled by the lengths to which God would go to save His people and creation. The great floating refuge withstood the ravages of storm and endless sea for nearly a year (Gen. 7:11, 8:13).

Countless historical details surround the ark’s construction, and I won’t go into them here. However, as is often the case, the Lord dove-tailed this visit with another event in my personal life, generating a deeper understanding on my part – the Ark Encounter and the release of my latest story, “Taste and See” in Barbour’s Always a Wedding Planner.

In “Taste and See,” the key scripture in the lives of my characters is Psalm 34:8 – “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him” (NKJV).

When I cross-referenced other versions of this verse, I discovered that most of them said, “blessed in the man who takes refuge in Him.” Curious about why, I looked up the Hebrew word for trust used in the Psalm and discovered that it translates as “flee for protection.” Figuratively used, it means to confide in, have hope, take refuge, (put) trust*.

I imagine Noah trusted God more than his own experience and reasoning. I imagine God’s command to build the ark was not the first time Noah had heard from the Lord. And I imagine that Noah knew only God could provide refuge from the judgement about to come upon the earth.

Noah didn’t speak Hebrew, but he understood trust in the deepest sense of the word. And his trust resulted in salvation for himself, his family, and early generations of every animal kind on the planet.

For me, the Ark Encounter was a huge visual representation of an even bigger God in whom I can entrust my life.

Taste and see that the LORD is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8, NLT


This week I am giving away a copy of Always a Wedding Planner, signed by all four authors – a rare and limited item. Comment below to be entered in the drawing by answering the following question:

            In what way has God proven to you He is trustworthy?

Noah trusted God. Share on X

ALT="Always a Wedding Planner"Ronnie peered through teary eyes at the barnboard sign her mother had given her when she graduated from her culinary training. The black script letters were only half of the verse in Psalm 34—the challenge part.

The encouragement part wasn’t there, but it had been tattooed on her heart by two loving women over the years, and even now ran through her mind in her Gramma ’Cine’s voice: “Blessed is the wo-man who trusts in Him.”

For as long as Ronnie could remember, Gramma had added wo- to the verse, insisting that it didn’t alter the promise, but directed it to a more specific audience. Years of hearing that affirmation had laid a foundation of trust. ~”Taste and See” in Always a Wedding Planner



*From Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Hebrew word for trust, used in Psalm 34:8 – 2620: to flee for protection; figuratively to confide in, have hope, make refuge, (put) trust

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(c) 2021 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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10 thoughts on “Take Refuge in Him – (and a giveaway!)

  1. God provided us with a house during COVID.

    1. davalynn

      Michelle – a refuge indeed!

  2. Phylis Moore

    The Lord took me through an aneurysm, which is usually fatal, in many miraculous ways, seventeen years ago! Too many details to recount here, but all amazing!

    1. davalynn

      Amazing for sure. Thank you, Phylis.

  3. Alicia Haney

    Every day He proves to me that He is trustworthy. He has kept my whole family free of COVID, He let us all be fine and in good health through this winters ice days and He has given me another day. God is good, he healed me from my thyroid, I had surgery over 25 yrs ago and my thyroid grew back after having surgery and it is back to normal and I do not need to take any medications at all for it. God is Good and our God is an Awesome God. Have a great week and stay safe. Thank you for the chance.

    1. davalynn

      A good and awesome God indeed. Thank you, Alicia.

  4. Robin in NC

    God has proved his trust worthiness more ways than I could count or even imagine. He has been with us through good times & bad times every second of our lives. Thank you for this reminder Davalynn.

    1. davalynn

      Glorious praise, Robin. Thank you.

  5. Esther Searcy

    After three years or more of struggling with SSA over presumed owed Medicare premiums which eventually got to over $7,000. Medicare calling me monthly to see what SSA was doing about it. I did get the state insurance people and the local state representative to assist in my case. The debt according to Medicare is no longer on their side even though no word from SSA. I praise God for this amazing answer.

    1. davalynn

      Absolutely amazing, Esther. Thank you for sharing.


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