Guest Post by Author Susan G. Mathis and a Giveaway!

ALT="burned treed"

“Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!”

Many of us struggle with gossip, frivolous chatter, and unwholesome talk – all caused by what the book of James calls “a small part of the body…that makes great boasts,” the tongue. James goes on to compare the tongue to a spark that creates a forest fire.

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the tongue has “the power of life and death.” With this in mind, my historical novel, Katelyn’s Choice, explores a timeless principle: Words matter.

ALT="Susan G. Mathis"We are reminded in Proverbs 15:4 that words can heal but they can also break a person’s spirit. Who hasn’t experienced both of these? I sure have! And my protagonist, Katelyn, does too.

Thankfully, Katelyn has some faithful mentors who speak into her life and nudge her to change.

Do you? Do you have those who are free to challenge your words, encourage you to speak truth and life, nudging you to change when you need to? If you don’t, I’d like to encourage you to find that friend who is closer than a brother, one who can help you tame your tongue and bring God glory through your words.

Susan G. Mathis

Words matter. Share on X

Thank you, Susan, for such an important reminder and encouragement.

All commenters below will be entered in a random drawing for a free e-copy of Susan’s newest release, Katelyn’s Choice. Read the preview excerpt that follows.

The Gilded Age comes to life in this first installment of the Thousand Islands Series, Katelyn’s Choice!

Katelyn Kavanagh’s mother dreamed her daughter would one day escape the oppressive environment of their Upstate New York farm for service in the enchanting Thousand Islands, home to Gilded Age millionaires. But when her wish comes true, Katelyn finds herself in the service of none other than the famous George Pullman, and the transition proves anything but easy.

Thomas O’Neill, brother of her best friend, is all grown up and also working on Pullman Island. Despite Thomas’ efforts to help the irresistible Katelyn adjust to the intricacies of her new world, she just can’t seem to tame her gossiping tongue—even when the information she’s privy to could endanger her job, the 1872 re-election of Pullman guest President Ulysses S. Grant, and the love of the man of her dreams.

Here’s an excerpt from Katelyn’s Choice, the first in the Thousand Island Gilded Age series. Released March 15, I hope it will whet your imagination and desire to read the entire story. Susan

McCarthy came into the room. “Sit, please, Miss Katelyn.” He seemed so serious, so somber, that Katelyn feared another tongue lashing—or worse. He pulled up a chair facing her and looked directly at her. “I know you are young, but you must honor the ways of the Pullmans. Marriage is a difficult thing, and some marriages are more difficult than others. Parenting is hard as well; you and I are not skilled in such tasks, so we must not judge.”

McCarthy paused and looked deep into her eyes as if he examined her very soul. “You were not here when Mr. Pullman disciplined his children. Always remember that assumptions and judgments are rarely accurate. Even if they are, it is not your place to judge, and it is certainly not your place to speak such judgments.”

Katelyn’s eyes brimmed over with tears, and McCarthy took her small hands in his large ones. “There, there. All of us are human and err. When I was young, I also held many opinions that were not for me to speak. But I will tell you a secret; I found a leash for my tongue in one place, and in one place only.”

Katelyn grasped at the small glimmer of hope. “Where, dear sir? Do say.”

“In the Word of God. In the book of Proverbs, mainly, but in other texts as well. They hold the keys to control, if you will but apply them.”

“Thank you, sir. I will look for the keys.” Katelyn wiped at her tears.


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(c) 2019 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #HistoricalRomance

8 thoughts on “Guest Post by Author Susan G. Mathis and a Giveaway!

  1. Barbara Raymond

    What a lesson this book has. I have had people judge me for things untrue and it does hurt bad. I learned from that never to judge others because of that.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

    1. davalynn

      So glad you stopped by, Barbara. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. Lori Smanski

    Oh my goodness, this book sounds like it has a very special lesson for so many of us. I really dislike being around someone who gossips. And I have to be very careful myslef that I don’t do it. And the only way I can see that is with the Bible and its many promises and encouragement. Yes I have three ladies, we all help each other in many areas of life. Thank you for sharing today.

    1. davalynn

      Sounds like you have great helpers, Lori. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Vicki Nicholson

    Thank you for this powerful reminder! Can’t wait to read about Katelyn!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Vicki. You’ll love the Thousand Islands.

  4. kim hansen

    Sounds good.

    1. davalynn

      Thanks, Kim.


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