Greater Love and a Giveaway!

ALT="book, A Change of Scenery"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” wrote Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

For simplicity’s sake, let’s merely count the kinds of love.

Romantic love.

Empathetic love.

Brotherly love.

Unconditional love.

Unfailing love.

Mature love.

Sacrificial love.

Endless love – as is the list! We could go on and on.

But let’s not forget puppy love. Though it’s become a metaphorical phrase describing early platonic love, I’ve been experiencing the real thing since a now-12-week-old heeler/border collie mix moved in. I call him Keeper and he definitely keeps me busy.

As a romance writer, I obviously write about romantic love, but others from the list filter into my stories as well because in inspirational fiction, characters find their footing in God’s agape love.

I call that Greater Love – the kind Jesus referred to when he said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 BSB). That’s what Jesus did for us. 

With Valentine’s Day filling the weekend with hearts, candy, cards, and flowers, it’s not too late to do something a little different and show love with a kind deed or word to those around you. Can you count the ways?

Liberating love is how I hint at what lies in store for the readers of my recent release, A Change of Scenery. And in celebration, I’m giving away a signed *print copy to one randomly selected commenter responding below on this blog to the question listed here. A winner will be chosen Feb. 20, 2021.


QUESTION: Can you briefly share a kind deed or word that you received unexpectedly from someone or witnessed someone else receiving? Leave your answer in the comments below.

Share a kind deed or word. Share on X

A Change of Scenery by author Davalynn Spencer

Ella’s breath caught in her throat, too late to hide. Too late to act as if she hadn’t heard his declaration. Her heart fractured, something she’d wanted to never happen again.

She had lost Charles. Now she would lose the only other man who had believed in her, who loved what she loved. Who apparently loved her in spite of her imperfections. She’d seen the truth of his words in his eyes today, felt it in his embrace. But she refused to come between him and his brother who clearly opposed her. She was city gal and nothing more to him. ~A Change of Scenery




*Print copy limited to the U.S. A winner outside the U.S. will receive an e-book version.


Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"Want a free book? Sign up for my Newsletter!

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(c) 2021 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

 #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance

10 thoughts on “Greater Love and a Giveaway!

  1. Joan Larson

    I was in the Dollar Tree yesterday (Saturday 2/13) and a group from the Christian Motorcyclist Association was handing out flowers to all the women. A young woman walked up and handed me a white carnation and told me “Happy Valentines Day”. I told her thank you and that it really made my day. While I stood in line to checkout, I watched as this group distributed flowers to other women. Touched my heart.

    They had attached a little card inviting women to fellowship with the group.

    1. davalynn

      Amazing, Joan.

  2. Phylis

    My daughter surprised me today with a most unusual valentine! You see on Thanksgiving, she tried to make a pumpkin pie. I always look forward to pumpkin pie on that day, but it ended up on the floor as she tried to put it in the oven! (We have sad pictures!) She ended up being frustrated and humiliated. Today she showed up at my door with a box held high so I couldn’t see inside. In it was a darling little pumpkin pie with a powdered sugar heart in the middle! Kudos to her for trying again and succeeding!

    1. davalynn

      How tender, Phylis.

  3. kim

    A neighbor gave me a valentine card totally unexpected.

    1. davalynn

      A nice surprise, Kim.

  4. Robin in NC

    Last night, Hubs said to me ‘thanks for making our Valentine’s Day special’. ♥

    1. davalynn

      Sweet, Robin.

  5. Roxanne C.

    My friend knew I was looking for bedsheets to replace a set that was wearing thin. A few days before Valentine’s Day she brought me a gift: a set of flannel sheets in a pattern that is difficult to find but means something very special to me.

    1. davalynn

      How sweet, Roxanne.


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