It’s A Dog’s-Life and A Giveaway

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

As an author, I tend to fall in love with some of my characters, including the animal characters. For my inspirational-Western-romance books, this means I’m collecting horses and dogs, metaphorically speaking.

However, I may be collecting a real-life hound companion for Blue the Cowdog in the next several months, and I can’t help but look back on all the dogs in my books. Trouble is, I want them all!

That’s not going to happen unless I move to a much larger house and win a couple train-loads of dog food. Until then, I’ll have to settle on one new canine companion.

That’s where you and the Dog’s-Life Giveaway come in.

I’d love to know which of my character dogs you’d choose for me, so I’m asking you to tell me in the comments below.

*Everyone who comments with a suggestion will be entered for a chance to win a free copy of The Miracle Tree, my 2018 contemporary romance release. Contest open through midnight, January 20, with winner announced on January 21 blog. *

Here are my character dogs, in order of appearance:

Roady, an ugly but grateful wire-haired mongrel rescued alongside a highway in As You Are at Christmas.

Maverick, an abandoned border collie-type in Straight to my Heart.

Beetle, an intelligent, mind-of-it’s-own spotted hero-dog in The Snowbound Bride.

Rascal, a mix-breed puppy in The Columbine Bride.

Rusty, a red cowdog in The Wrangler’s Woman.

Blue, a heeler in An Improper Proposal. (Sound like anyone you know?)

Cougar, a houndish-retriever mix from An Improper Proposal.

Pearl, half-wolfhound, sparkle-loving monstrosity from An Unexpected Redemption.

Goldie, an aging and faithful golden retriever in The Miracle Tree.

Chica, a heeler pup in The Miracle Tree.

The dog, a silvery, wolfish/husky-type canine from Snow Angel.

In all my books, there have been only two cats, Pete and Re-pete, from The Miracle Tree. I think my mouse detector, Oakley, is displeased with me. She has not once offered to help bring in firewood this winter, but I did catch her stalking something behind the rakes and shovels stored in the garage.

Back to the dogs – if you’d like to see how I envision these heart-stealing canines before making a recommendation, you can find them all on my Pinterest page in their specific book boards: (Pete and Repete are even on there!)

Thank you helping me out with this. And thank you for reading!

It's a Dog's life and a book giveaway! Share on X

“Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground
all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air.
He brought them to the man to see what he would name them;
and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name”
(Genesis 2:19 NIV).

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(c) 2019 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #HistoricalRomance



18 thoughts on “It’s A Dog’s-Life and A Giveaway

  1. Barbara Raymond

    The Dog is my choice. Wow what an exciting book that will be coming next. Thank you for this chance to help out.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Barbara!

  2. kim hansen

    Rascal is my choice.

    1. davalynn

      Thanks, Kim!

  3. Ann

    Roady, I love rescued dogs!!

    1. davalynn

      Thanks for your vote, Ann.

  4. Becky Dempsey

    Maverick. I love Border Collie/Australian Shepherd dogs.

    1. davalynn

      Thanks for voting, Becky!

  5. Mandy Bentley

    Definitely Goldie! I just fell in love with her.

    1. davalynn

      Wasn’t she a sweetheart? Thanks, Mandy!

  6. Michelle Prince Morgan

    Roady the rescue dog.

    1. davalynn

      Another vote for Roady – thank you, Michelle!

  7. Margaret Dixon

    Blue is a winner for me.

    1. davalynn

      Gotta love Blue. Thanks, Margaret!

  8. Connie Porter Saunders

    I am a dog-lover and I’ve had several breeds during mye lifetime but I must choose Blue. We were dairy farmers for many years and we had two blue heelers, a female and later, her son. Bridget is probably one of the smartest dogs we’ve ever had and Buddy, her son, was equally smart. I was amazed when he went into the barn lot as a small puppy and knew instinctively what to do! Thanks for your giveaway.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Connie! Another vote for Blue!

  9. Carolsue

    I’m going with Cougar!

    1. davalynn

      Yay, a vote for Cougar. Thanks, Carol!


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