I was off the path the other day, pulling weeds from the edge of my driveway where no one ever walks. At the time, I thought nothing of my attire, but since then I will be careful to dress appropriately for off-the-path work. For there in the …
Have you ever wanted to turn down the volume on your world? Go where there is no noise, no distraction, no demand on your attention? I do. All the time. Last week that blessed opportunity arrived and I headed to Music Meadows Ranch in the Wet Mountain …
Three announcements: 1. I’m excited to announce a Goodreads give-away of six – yes, six! – print copies of The 12 Brides of Christmas novella collection. And the best part? The books are signed by all 12 novella authors. The give-away starts today and runs through Oct. …
“Have a god start to your day.” Oops. That wasn’t what I meant to say, but it was too late. No taking back the words once you hit “send.” My thumbs are fatter than the virtual keys on my smartphone. That’s why the text I sent my …
Today, September 7, is National Buy a Book Day. I’m not sure who comes up with these designations, but they’re fun to follow, and as an author, this is one of my favorites. Therefore, I encourage you to go to your local book store and buy a …
1. Relax with a quick summer romance before summer is over 2. Escape to a simpler time (Not easier, just simpler!) 3. Experience (vicariously) a Colorado summer storm 4. Stir up some strawberry lemonade (recipe in my newsletter) 5. Enjoy the fragile beauty of Colorado’s blue columbines …
A week from tomorrow is release day for the last book in The 12 Brides of Summer collection – and my novella “The Columbine Bride” is in it! Today I’m sharing my inspiration for Buck and Lucy’s story. The tale includes many things I enjoy about Colorado: …
1. Happy ending. 2. Dreams come true. 3. Hopefulness. 4. Bright future. 5. Love wins. Okay, I admit it. All five reasons sound suspiciously alike. But I love romance and August is Romance Awareness Month. Did you even know there was such a thing? It’s also National …
If you’ve been following The 12 Brides of Summer, then you’ll know half of the twelve stories have been released. Book 3 is now available for download on your e-reader with three more summer-bride novellas. Stories include: Dog Days of Summer Bride by Margaret Brownley Music teacher …
Nearly everyone has heard the optimistic adage, “Bloom where you’re planted.” Though it’s become cliché, most of us give it our best shot. But what if the environment is harsh, barren, and lifeless? What if we’re all alone? What if we’re some place we really don’t want …
One of my favorite movies is Michael Mann’s The Last of the Mohicans from 1992, based on the 1826 novel by James Fenimore Cooper. The story captivates me with its internal and external conflict, historical setting, and romance of course. But quintessential antagonist, Magua (played by Native …
Lucy Powell is a young widow with a hard summer ahead of her in my soon-to-release novella, The Columbine Bride. How soon, you might ask? Tomorrow! That’s right. July 14, 2015, Old West Summer Brides, book 3 in Barbour’s limited print collection of The 12 Brides of …
The Fourth of July always leaves me grateful for the freedoms of this country, and especially for those who fought and died to secure those freedoms. But I’m also grateful that I don’t have to live independently—totally alone, counting only upon myself for everything. Thank God for …
I have always admired the wit and wisdom of humorist, author, and actor Will Rogers—the cowboy philosopher from Oklahoma. He was also pretty handy with a rope and you can see a sampling of his work on this 3-minute video: Watch here. When I heard about the …
We’ve all heard it: “Train up a child in the way he should go.” It’s more of a principle than a promise, a good one to live by. My dad taught me how to drive a tractor when I was about 10, and his instruction included the …