Dandelion Cowboy
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Most of the characters in my books are people I’ve cooked up on my own. Others sneak up on me when I’m not looking, leaving me with the sense that I’ve met them before and just can’t remember when or where. I have a

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What’s In Your Purse?

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer This week I’m featuring a women’s devotional book from fellow author and friend, Becky Van Vleet. Not only do I like the catchy title, What’s In Your Purse, I enjoy the layout of each of the fifty-two devotionals with “Remember This” Bible verses, a

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Stay Connected
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Staying connected today has never been easier, thanks to technology. And it’s never been harder. There’s too much going on. In fact there’s so much going on – so much technological noise – that we can miss the more important connections in our lives. Like those with real people. Staying

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Hope Is the Thing with Feathers
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer October 13 is release day for Book 5 of The Cañon City Chronicles, Hope Is Built. As I wrote this story, continuing into the third generation of the Hutton family, I realized there was so much more going on than a romance. The second Hutton

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God Knows Us
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer “I talk about these made-up people as if they were real,” I told a friend as we discussed the characters in one of my books. “I know them better than I do most real people.” “That’s because you know their hearts,” she said. “You

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Don’t Let the Rigors of Rejection Turn to Rigor Mortis
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Rejection. We all know what it tastes like—bitter, regardless of how well-preserved our self-esteem. As a child, I often played the piano for school talent shows, winning awards in some and going unnoticed in others. On those losing occasions, my mother would say, “You

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Outlived your purpose?
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Nine years ago at my first writers’ conference, I met with a well-known (and probably exhausted) novelist for what industry folk call a “one-on-one.” It was the equivalent of a first-grader sitting down with a Ph.D. professor for a career pep-talk. “What do you

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All the Trees … Sing for Joy!
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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Autumn is my favorite season. It’s as if God turns on a hidden light somewhere, and everything starts glowing from the inside out. Trees. Flowers. Mountains. Sky. I can almost hear the colors – because of the light. Without light, there would be no

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