By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer “Inspirational romance—isn’t that an oxymoron?” A secular, general-market author fired the question at me during a family-related social gathering. “No, you moron. It isn’t.” I’d like to say the above response to the question is from a salty character in one of my novels, …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Years ago, after landing a job at our local newspaper as a crime-beat reporter, I attended a journalism workshop that stressed the importance of tight writing. The Lord’s prayer has 66 words, one handout noted. Lincoln’s incomparable Gettysburg address, only 286. The point: less …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer “It’s a difficult journey, to be sure,” my friend said. “But a good one.” She was right. She has been on the journey with me for several years and understands the dark places and sudden drop-offs. The unexpected bends or endless monotony. The oh …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Today is National Chocolate Éclair Day. It is also National Take Your Cat to Work Day, but let’s just leave that one alone. Eclairs do not scratch, yowl, or shed, plus chocolate is involved. I’d much rather take a box of éclairs to work …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer This coming Sunday is Father’s Day. It’s been a very long time since I wished my dad “Happy Father’s Day.” So here goes … Daddy was a California farmer. He wore long-sleeved shirts against the sun, regardless of the season. He carried his …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer She didn’t look like a pilot. She looked like a woman who spent a lot of time on her hair and makeup and even more time selecting her clothes. But not only was she a pilot, she was one of several authors at a …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Several sticky notes edge the bottom of my computer monitor and serve as personal reminders while I write. They are glimpses of character-development devices that I have found to be true in fiction as well as in life. I’ll share a few with you …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer If you’ve been to an American rodeo, you know the only moment of absolute silence follows a downed rider who fails to rise under his own power. Apprehension sucks the collective breath of the crowd as they wait to see the cowboy push to his …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer I read across genres, enjoying contemporary suspense, historical romance, adventure, fantasy, and others. Recently, an early title by American author Louis L’Amour took me back to the days of the Old West – Hondo, a classic Western, published in 1953. Regardless of the genre …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Have you ever re-discovered something you previously saw or heard, catching it with fresh eyes and ears the second time around? I did that last week. I read a familiar Bible verse that jumped off the page, though I’m quite familiar with these words …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer “For the Lord is the God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.” The first time I saw this quote I wanted to know who made such an insightful observation. Then I learned it was a SAHM who went from sad to glad …
Davalynn Spencer here, and I’m pleased to welcome guest author Susan G. Mathis with insights shared from her newest historical release, Devyn’s Dilemma. Transformed from Caterpillar to Butterfly By Susan G. Mathis Nature has its unique way of drawing you close to the Creator. Whether the fragrance …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer A world-famous athletic clothing and equipment supplier copyrighted its check-mark logo and three words into an unforgettable identifier. You probably know who I’m talking about. But did you know that someone else used two of those three words and the emphasis behind them long …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Did you grow up like me, feeling like the day after Christmas was anticlimactic? What about the day after your birthday? Downer, right? I once heard a world champion bull rider say that after winning the fancy gold and silver, ruby-encrusted belt buckle at …
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer The crowd gasped and held its collective breath—complete silence in and around the arena. Nothing but the imagined heartbeat of the bullfighter about to be trampled. And then “The Grizz” turned away and trotted toward the out gate. The bullfighter got up and walked …