Just Because Something Is Good Doesn’t Mean It’s Easy

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

“It’s a difficult journey, to be sure,” my friend said. “But a good one.”

She was right.

She has been on the journey with me for several years and understands the dark places and sudden drop-offs. The unexpected bends or endless monotony. The oh so difficult times that always break out into God’s faithfulness.

My recently released book, An Impossible Price, was written during this journey and that made the writing difficult. In fact, I stopped halfway through and started over from the beginning.

Maybe the agony of those days came through in the finished story of two people with wounds and scars and doubts about God and forgiveness.

I wonder, because readers have shared bits of themselves when telling me how they responded to the book. They’ve pointed out moments in the story that touched their hearts or drew laughter and understanding—or how it made them cry or cheer. They have shared things that make me believe many of us are on the same journey even if we don’t realize it.

I continue to be amazed at how God works things out in my life – things that might not necessarily be pleasant or easy. But He works them out for good. Some way, somehow, He always does that. And it makes the suffering worth it.

(Did I really just say “makes the suffering worth it”?)

Yes. I did. It’s true

His faithfulness is unfailing.

His love is unending.

His presence and comfort are worth it all.


And we know that God causes everything to work together
for the good of those who love God
and are called according to his purpose for them.
Romans 8:28


July 3 I’ll be signing books at a local event in Canon City, Colorado. July 3 was my mother’s birthday, and now it is my granddaughter’s birthday. 

How tender of God to bookend my journey with these two precious lives.


Just because something is good doesn't mean it's easy. Share on X
An Impossible Price by Davalynn Spencer
Available now!


     Clay rode up the back of Pine Hill, past the ponderosa and the two crosses beneath it. There were no guarantees in this country that a man would make it home at night. If it wasn’t a blizzard, it was lightning. Bears or mountain lions. A hoof in a badger hole and a bad fall. He realized it more now than ever.
     He also realized he’d faced that bear without a second thought, eerily calm in the moment. But he couldn’t share his hidden scars with a woman he loved.  ~An Impossible Price

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2020 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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9 thoughts on “Just Because Something Is Good Doesn’t Mean It’s Easy

  1. Lori Smanski

    this is a good post. many insights. i so agree with us all being on the same journey. different times and places but still. happy birthday to these dear people. blessings.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you so much, Lori. Glad this was a blessing to you.

  2. Phylis Moore

    You speak truth Davalynn…thank you 😀

    1. davalynn

      Bless you, Phylis. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. J Maple

    Fabulous blog—
    And begrudgingly: Oh so true!! 🙂
    Love how God says its “good” and we take that word as “easy, comfortable, piece of cake.”
    It is good, looking back—always. But often times, when going through a difficult time, that particular isn’t usually the first one we say, is it?!?!
    Thanks so much for the insight and reminder.
    And Prayers for your book signing—as well as Happy Bday to such great women.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Jill. You truly know that of which you speak!

  4. Ohhhh, Davalynn.
    Yet another “Wow!!” post!

    It is SO true that “good” and “easy” are often nowhere near each other. What happened to me was not easy, but it was good in the eyes of God, and anyone with an eye on the whole story. Finding the right fit for me and my work was definitely worth the suffering, and I am thankful for the lessons God taught me along the way. Were they easy? HAHAHA! No. Were they good? Yes.
    He will work everything out for His good and His glory.
    And He bookended a heap of the rotten with the most amazingly weepy good, 2 years to the day.

    1. davalynn

      Jennifer – my heart swells with joy for you. God is so faithful to bring His good … if we in our hurry can just wait on Him.

  5. Karen Gee

    I’m sorry to miss your book signing!
    God bless you for speaking truths into our lives each week.
    Your words are always encouraging to me!
    Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. I hope you have a special time with her.


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