The Children We Were – and a giveaway

ALT="child and grammie at Christmas tree"

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Memories decorate more Christmases than all the world’s tree ornaments, lights, and trimmings combined. For some people, those memories aren’t so pleasant. For others, they are the core of the season.

My adult son displays a lighted miniature village in his home–the same village he grew up with–and he’s passing that tradition down to his own family.

My grown daughter shares with her in-laws her skill with Mexican food: “You should have been at our house on Christmas Eve for the enchilada dinner.”

Another son puts on a feed that is hard to beat, complete with grilled meat, richly seasoned sides, and creative desserts.

And they recall with childlike delight the years we trekked into the Rocky Mountain woods to cut our own tree.

Good memories.

Yet there are many adults who cringe at Christmas. They can’t help but recall the family fights, drunken brawls, and hurtful words. The holiday isn’t so merry for them.

If you fall into the latter category, start fresh this year, even if most of your own childhood days were filled with sorrow or strife. We each have the ability to create new memories for our current family, whether those around us are related by blood, by love, or by necessity.

That’s why we celebrate Christmas in the first place – to remember the Child who came our way so He could include us in His family.

Christmas is all about the Christ Child. So maybe we could let the children we were touch the children we raise so they too can see the wonder of God’s love.


[The shepherds] hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph.
And there was the baby, lying in the manger.
Luke 2:16 NLT

So they too can see the wonder of God's love. Share on X The children we were Share on X

Comment below with your favorite Christmas memory and be entered in a drawing for a free e-book, A Boarding House Christmas.

ALT="A country Christmas scene with snow"Matt helped his passengers out, escorted them inside, and then parked in the lot next to the church. It was surprisingly full, he noted, evidence that others, too, had braved the storm to keep a tradition.

Tradition. He had very few, if any. Last Christmas he’d spent poring over plans for a school gymnasium he’d hoped to bid on. The Christmas before that he didn’t remember. For the most part, his adult life had been one continuous blur of sameness—like the snow whirling around him in the dark. And Breanna Murphy and her grandmother were colorful lights in the night offering warmth and companionship and … love?

An unfamiliar scene met him as he entered the sanctuary. Candles raised a steady golden flame from every level surface around the edge of the room and on the podium, and pine boughs filled window ledges and tables. The room radiated peace, and it seeped inside him and settled against his soul. ~A Boarding House Christmas

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"FREE book via quarterly Newsletter!

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(c) 2022 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “The Children We Were – and a giveaway

  1. Deanna Sturgeon

    Wonderful post! It was so good having my daughter, Kim, here from Canada. I hadn’t seen her in 2 years because of Covid. She and her brother joked around with each other! Made my heart full to see them together again. We all laughed and had a great Christmas. It’s hard when your loved one has past on and you since an absence at Christmas! Happy now!

    1. davalynn

      A wonderful memory, Deanna. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. Linda

    What a lovely picture! The Newborn King of Kings and grandchildren are what Christmas is all about! I remember midnight mass and family gatherings when I was younger, but the memories of our Christmases with our grandchildren is what is most special now. With the pandemic, the lost Christmases, Thanksgivings, birthdays that we can’t get back are sad, but God is good, and new memories are being made!

    1. davalynn

      Yes, Linda, new memories are being made to replace those missed!

  3. kim hansen

    Growing up with parents that wanted everything perfect Christmas for me was a nightmare until one year a Aunt took my mother in a room and had a long talk with her. My aunt made sure from then on my christmas was much better. Will always be grateful to her for her insight into what my mother was doing. I don’t celebrate the day because of that. I just treat it as just another day.

    1. davalynn

      Kim – a heart-wrenching memory for sure. Thanks for sharing it.


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