By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer In 2016 I read several new-to-me authors along with my standby favorites. Not all their books were new releases; several were older. Today I want to share twelve authors with you that I enjoyed last year. The list is a mix of contemporary
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Help—my plate runneth over! Anyone else feel the same way? I don’t need One. More. Thing. To. Do. But neither do I need resolutions. I need a revolution—a change. A way to declutter, delete, and delegate some of the activities and obligations in
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Did Mary think, “O God—not here, not now”? Yet it was perfect. The perfect place. The perfect time. When we cry out, “O God—not here, not now” may we remember that a less than perfect place, a less than perfect time
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer On cold mornings, I build a fire in our woodstove and sit in front of it with a hot cup of coffee. It’s become my wintertime place to meet with Jesus, the place where I share my heart, read His words, listen for
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Did you notice the flour on the kitchen flour, the wrapping-paper scraps on the dining table, the crowds at the mall? Yes, Christmas is messy. Preparation for any important event is usually messy. And complicated. And stressful. And if we allow it –
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer When I first met Caleb Hutton, he was riding into Cañon City. The year was 1860 and the whole scenario took place in my head, then on my computer, and finally in my first historical novel, The Cowboy Takes a Wife. Caleb’s journey
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer In the busy days approaching, as families gather … or not, as tables are spread … or not, let’s pause in the clamor … or the lonely quiet and thank God for His great love.
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Our busy lives don’t give us much quiet time to reflect, listen, or simply breathe. Things always press in, demanding our attention, whether they are as fleeting as the news and social media, or as important as a spouse or child. But being
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer There’s a lot of clamoring right now. A lot of noise. A lot of posturing and pointing, criticism and chaos. And none of it is new. It’s all happened before, many times, in fact. And God’s antidote is also the same: Be still
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Some people like to be frightened, and they enjoy watching horror movies or reading scary stories. Maybe it’s because they know the scenarios are not real and they feel safe and relieved after the faux fright. Halloween is our most traditional fright night
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Autumn in Colorado offers a visual feast, especially in the gold that trickles down pine-draped mountains in streams of yellow aspen. Even here, on the Arkansas River Valley floor, the simplest of trees dress in their fall finery, like my neighbor’s elm tree.
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Last Monday, the post office was closed for the observance of Columbus Day. Tuesday morning, the line of postal patrons stretched out the door and into the lobby. It reminded me that I need to start mailing Christmas gifts. As I approached the
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer I recently finished a novel about a young woman considering her next step. Which way should she go? Which was the right path for her life? She had several options, but she wanted the one that would take her in the direction of
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Last week I cut off the remaining leaf of bok choy for a salad and almost threw the end of the bunch in the trash. And then I thought, “What if?” What if I put the end in water? Would it grow? I’d
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer On freelance assignment for the local newspaper, I covered a craft show where several lapidarists displayed their work. One man showed not only his finished products but rough stones as well—so rough, that had I hiked by them on a mountain path, I