Unless a kernel…falls to the ground and dies…

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Last week, I harvested my giant sunflower and gave it to a friend who raises chickens. The flower had grown beyond the point pictured above, and the edge turned back, opening the face for the seeds to fall or be easily plucked by birds (and chickens).

After my protective nurturing, watering, and monitoring throughout the summer, I felt guilty cutting it down. And silly for feeling guilty. Harvesting is part of growing. Ask any farmer or rancher.

Even Jesus had something to say about it.

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24 NIV).

I planted one single seed last spring, and from it came more than 1,000, according to sunflower experts

“Consider the birds of the field,” Jesus also said. They don’t plant and they don’t store up a harvest. But God feeds them through His natural order with things such as sunflowers.

Man also benefits from the sunflower harvest in the form of edible seeds and oil.

When the time was right, my sunflower dipped its head and surrendered to the season. And as it gave itself, others benefited.

I wonder, could this be a picture of “dying to one’s self”?

What do you think?

My sunflower dipped its head and surrendered to the season Share on X

Mail-Order Misfire by Davalynn Spencer

Full repentance reached further—down into her deep-seated hatred of Clark Penneholder. Bern’s words echoed thoughts from her former life when she realized that a person often had to act without waiting for feelings to attend the deed.

Forgiveness was a choice, it seemed. Not a reaction. ~Mail-order Misfire

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