By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Chocolate and flowers abound in February because it’s the love month. Romance is in the air, and greeting-card companies, candy manufacturers, and florists attribute much of their sales to Valentine’s Day. I certainly don’t begrudge their success, but I’m not a fan of what
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Fifteen years ago I took my greenhorn self to a California writers conference, where I met with a well-known author for a “one-on-one.” It was the equivalent of a preschooler sitting down with a Ph.D. professor for a career pep-talk. “What do you write?”
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Summer is slipping away and September will be here in two weeks. So will a new six-book collection of historical Christian romances, “Thanksgiving Books & Blessings.” I’m excited to be a part of this collection and honored today to introduce you to the veteran
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Chocolate and flowers abound in February because it’s the love month and romance is in the air. Greeting-card companies, candy manufacturers, and florists attribute much of their business to this short-on-days, long-on-love month. However, it takes more than candy and flowers to make a
A week from tomorrow is release day for the last book in The 12 Brides of Summer collection – and my novella “The Columbine Bride” is in it! Today I’m sharing my inspiration for Buck and Lucy’s story. The tale includes many things I enjoy about Colorado:
1. Happy ending. 2. Dreams come true. 3. Hopefulness. 4. Bright future. 5. Love wins. Okay, I admit it. All five reasons sound suspiciously alike. But I love romance and August is Romance Awareness Month. Did you even know there was such a thing? It’s also National
One of my favorite movies is Michael Mann’s The Last of the Mohicans from 1992, based on the 1826 novel by James Fenimore Cooper. The story captivates me with its internal and external conflict, historical setting, and romance of course. But quintessential antagonist, Magua (played by Native
Summer – yea! We’re celebrating the advent of warmer weather here in Colorado because we’ve had rain, rain, rain the entire month of May. Wish I could send some of it to my family and friends in California. In addition to the joy of blue skies and