By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Chocolate and flowers abound in February because it’s the love month. Romance is in the air, and greeting-card companies, candy manufacturers, and florists attribute much of their sales to Valentine’s Day. I certainly don’t begrudge their success, but I’m not a fan of what
Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer If you were God, how would you introduce yourself to your creation? I’d be 27 years old, a size 8 with flawless complexion, no white hair, and an IQ of 145. I would not show up as a baby, completely helpless and totally dependent upon
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Romantic love is celebrated on Valentine’s Day, February 14, in North America and in many countries around the *world. With unclear *origins, a great deal has been written about the observance. However, there is much more to love, and other languages, particularly Greek, have
By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer The mob can turn. A big event was coming to town and everyone was busy preparing, anticipating, hurrying. The Jews called it Passover. Early in the week, on a dirt-and-stone street, a crowd hailed an itinerant teacher as a king entering the gates of
Last weekend I met a scientist who shared with me her recent bout of burnout. Blackout, checkout, whatever term fit, she needed out. The only books she had in her home were nonfiction, science, history, how-to. They weren’t what she needed during those weary days. Too much
I found my epitaph—at least it’s what I hope my family will choose: “Though she never performed a miraculous sign, all that she said about Jesus was true.” That’s an almost direct quote from John 10:41 in the NIV Bible, and refers to John the Baptist: “Though
Unimproved road, the sign said. Looked all right to me. My husband and I continued along the unpaved lane through grazing land and open cow country, admiring an old ranch house and barn surrounded by towering cottonwood trees. The beautiful setting inspired peaceful thoughts as we drove
A woman from church recently encouraged me that God had equipped me to accomplish certain tasks that lie ahead. Her words were “apples of gold in settings of silver” – exactly what I needed to hear. I munched on that golden apple, relishing the taste of knowing