Nothing Catches God by Surprise

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

After commiserating over recent heartaches the other day, a friend said, “God obviously has different plans than what I had envisioned, and for you as well. And yet, His plans are always perfect.” 

The comment stopped me cold.  

This person had some seriously disappointing things happen, as had I. “And yet …” 

And yet, God’s plans are always perfect.  

That does not mean God planned for people to contract a deadly virus in 2020, wives and husbands to leave their spouses, or dreams to be dashed and life put on hold. 

Sometimes I lose sight of God’s promise that He knows the plans He has for me, plans for good and not for evil, plans for hope and a future – in spite of external conflict, social upheaval, and my own failures and fears (Jeremiah 29:11). 

Since I believe that “God’s got this” (whatever this is), I praise Him for His omnipotence, sovereignty, and unfailing love. I praise Him for His goodness, for being with me in all the hard places. I praise Him for giving us another day, another year, another reminder that He has a future for us.

Nothing catches God by surprise. Not when Eve bit the fruit, not when Bethlehem’s innkeeper over-booked, not a virus that shut down human interaction across our nation and elsewhere.  

Not the coming year.

May you find an unyielding confidence in our God who loves us beyond measure.


Nothing catches God by surprise. Share on X

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He looked at her, and she listened with her eyes for what he was think­ing and feeling. ~The Snowbound Bride






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