It’s All About Trust

ALT="woman holding columbines"

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer 

People often ask how much of myself I put into my books. The question is straightforward, but most answers are ambiguous. The view we see of ourselves from the inside out is different from the view others see from the outside in.

When I wrote Book 2 of the Cañon City Chronicles, Straight to My Heart, I included a struggle in the heroine’s life that was similar to one of my own: Trust.

Trusting the Lord with my eternal soul has always been easier than trusting Him with other things like my children, my career, or my family’s health.

I know God is perfectly capable of taking care of me and those I love, so why do I fret? Why can’t I let go of worry?

I believe it has to do with choice on two levels:

  1. The choice to let God work things out
  2. The choice to rely on Him to carry me through the result—regardless of what it is.

Like Livvy, the lead female character in my book, I have the options of trust or anxiety. I can depend on the one who created the delicate columbine that thrives in the rugged Rocky Mountains, or I can fall back on my own understanding.

When I look at it that way, there really is no contest. My comprehension and perspective are limited. I’m much better off uncurling my fingers and letting God take over—even when His plan doesn’t exactly match up with mine.

After all, He really does know what He’s doing.

What do you struggle with when it comes to trusting God? How do you let go? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.


Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 3:5

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ALT="Straight to My Heart"


Trusting God with her eternal soul had been easy for Livvy. She had been raised to take Him at His word, and she believed what He said about salvation. It all made sense to her—God’s gift of love and salvation in Jesus. But trusting Him with her heart where Whit Hutton was concerned? For some reason, that was harder. ~Straight to My Heart  


ALT="free book"Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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#WesternRomance #CowboyRomance #HistoricalFiction #ChristianFiction

(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “It’s All About Trust

  1. Elaine Kiefer

    I think one of the hardest things to trust God with is my children and grandchildren. I want to protect (maybe even control) them from the world, and its influence, but I know they have to live their lives and make their own choices. I pray for them, speak the word over them, and remind myself of all the promises God has given me for them. I found some powerful little books by Stormie Omartian with prayers for adult children, grandchildren, and my husband. They have helped me keep my focus on God and what He has said.

    1. davalynn

      Fabulous, Elaine. I also lift my family to Him on a regular basis. There are no greater hands to hold them than His.

  2. Deanna Sturgeon

    I used to struggle with this! I remember Pastor Mark Pitcher would have us put our palms up, showing God what we can’t handle! Then we would turn palms down and release them to God. They were then out of our hands and trusting it’s in God’s hands! I’m trying to convince some family to give it to God and then stop worrying! He’s in control! We can’t fix it! Only he can!

    1. davalynn

      Amen, Deanna. I remember his great messages, and that was one.

  3. Gail Garland

    I have experienced death in my immediate and other family members. In 2014, 3 deaths in 3 months, 1st husband, his brother & my Mom. 2016 1 death; 2017 my son; 2018 1 death; 2021 my 2nd husband. With my son, I went into shock for sure. I leaned on Jesus all the way. With my best friend & love, I went nuts & leaned on Jesus solidly for over a year. Trusting all the way. New City & State, new culture, new way of living, new people to meet, new Doctors, new Church, new weather!!
    Trust was the only way I could get through the life adventures God has put me on. Thankyou Lord.

    1. davalynn

      Oh, my goodness, Gail. You can certainly speak from the trenches about God’s faithfulness in our hardest days. Praise God for His staying power, and praise Him for bringing you through with trust in your heart.


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