Acceptance and Security

ALT="dad carrying daughter on shoulders"

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer 

“Daddy prays with me at night before I go to sleep. It makes me feel welcome and safe.”

Welcome” seems like an unusual word choice, but think about it. The child who said this feels welcome at home. How many do not?

This child has a place to belong – a safe place to be. This child knows Dad is there and that he’s glad his 9-year-old is too.

Dad may not realize it, but he’s living out an important biblical promise:

“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places.
If it were not so, I would have told you,
because I am going there to prepare a place for you.”
John 14:2 (AMP)

God knows how important a sense of place is. He planted that need within us so He could give us the perfect location.

Acceptance and security are two of the most important things fathers can give their children.

If your dad made you feel accepted and secure, thank him this Father’s Day. If you missed out on that blessing from an earthly dad, ask your Good, Good Father to be that Dad.

Come to Him. He’s waiting for you.


He's a good, good Father. Share on X

ALT="Mail-order Misfire"Bern walked into the garden and stopped at a bloody spot on the ground not three feet from Gracie. Holding his gun on it, he watched for a moment, then kicked away the headless snake and holstered his weapon.

Gracie jumped up and leaped into his arms. “I was so afraid Buster was going to get bit, Papa. I was so afraid.”

The puppy hunkered back in the corner, trembling. Etta picked it up, her ears ringing from the gunshot and her heart racing as she followed Bern and Gracie to the house.

In the kitchen, he righted his chair and sat down with Gracie on his lap, her arms tight around his neck. She laid her golden head against his chest, clearly her father’s daughter.

Etta set the puppy on an old towel behind the stove and gave it a bowl of milk, then warmed Bern’s coffee and filled a plate for Gracie.

“I’m not hungry,” the child mumbled into Bern’s shirt.

Understandably, Etta thought. Neither was she. The puppy would eat well this evening.

Bern picked up his coffee. “You want to help me bury the rattler’s head?” ~Mail-Order Misfire, prequel to the international award-winning series, “The Front Range Brides”

ALT="free book"Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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#WesternRomance #CowboyRomance #HistoricalFiction #ChristianFiction

(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Acceptance and Security

  1. Alicia Haney

    Beautifully said ! <3 Your book sounds like a great read! I enjoyed your post. Thank you. Have a great week. God Bless you and your family.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Alicia. Glad it was a blessing.

  2. Karen Gee

    We are very blessed to have had Fathers that made us feel accepted and secure!
    We have made our children, grandchildren and great grand children feel that way too.
    But we do need to realize the importance of knowing our Heavenly Father! How much He loves us and is always there for us when we need Him!

    1. davalynn

      Amen, Karen. Thanks for reading.


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