Every Time I Remember You

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

If you’ve been to an American rodeo, you know the only moment of absolute silence follows a downed rider who fails to rise under his own power.

Apprehension sucks the collective breath of the crowd as they wait to see the cowboy push to his hands and knees.

When he does, the grandstands explode with cheers and applause.

When he doesn’t, the air is still as death.

Today at 3 p.m., Americans across this nation will hopefully pause for one minute of silence to remember men and women who have fallen on battlefields and did not rise.

This official Moment of Remembrance on Memorial Day seems like a very small “thank you” for those who have died serving our country.

In many homes, such moments occur every time a parent, child, or spouse walks by a vacant room or a cherished photograph. They don’t need a congressional act or national holiday. They can’t help but remember.

More recent warriors who survived when their companions fell may die a piece at a time over years of fighting enemies called Nightmare and Flashback. They may pray not to remember.

But the rest of us can at least take a minute to convey the grace of gratitude as we pause and say, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Phil. 1:3

For those who would like to take a longer moment to honor the fallen, you can listen here to Taps. 

And for those of you like me – who desperately need to remember the One who rescued them – enjoy this recording of “Holy Water” by We the Kingdom.


Pause for one minute of silence. Share on X


ALT="An Unexpected Redemption book cover"     A small fence bordered two cedar crosses, and a pink rose flourished between them—all new additions since she had last climbed the hill. She stepped over the low pickets and knelt between the graves. Weathered and gray, each cross bore hand-carved names. Deacon’s doing, no doubt.
     “I miss you, Mama.” Tears welled and she let them fall unchecked as she leaned to trace the letters of her mother’s name. “I was foolish. I went against everything you taught me. I’m so sorry…”
     Her voice blew away on the rising wind, and with a wrenching sob, she hugged her waist and doubled over the grave.   ~An Unexpected Redemption



*A variation of this column first appeared May 29, 2017.

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2020 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

 #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance

6 thoughts on “Every Time I Remember You

  1. Jim

    Dear Davalynn,
    Thank you for your beautiful words, thoughts, and for remembering what today is about.
    We, the combat veterans, do die a piece each time we remember our companions who’s young lives were taken. Today and for the rest of our lives live with the fond memories of our friends but also the nightmares and the overwhelming sadness.
    They are gone but never to be forgotten. Their souls are with their God! They are at peace.

    Thank you!
    A Vietnam Veteran

    1. davalynn

      Thank you so much, Jim, for sharing here, and for your willingness to let the rest of us know the deep importance of remembering.

  2. Karen Gee

    I’m glad our country celebrates this Memorial Day each year. We should never forget the supreme sacrifices made in every war since this country began.
    We cannot take our freedom for granted!
    God bless each one serving in the military all over the world today.

    1. davalynn

      Amen, Karen. Thank you.

  3. Davalynn, what a poignant post to celebrate these heroes and their families.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Debbie. I’m so glad it was a blessing to you.


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