And the Winner Is…

ALT="sad-looking dog"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Thank you for participating in last week’s dog’s-life book giveaway and helping me decide what kind of dog I should get next. I’m always interested in hearing what readers think of my stories and characters, and it seems like almost everyone enjoys a good dog tale. (See what I did there?)

Votes for the dog I should have are as follows:

The dog from Snow Angel – 1

Rascal from The Columbine Bride – 1

Roady from As You Are at Christmas – 2

Maverick from Straight to My Heart 2

Goldie from The Miracle Tree 1

Blue from An Improper Proposal – 2

Cougar from An Improper Proposal

And the winner is…a tie between Roady and Maverick, the two abandoned dogs, and Blue the heeler. Since I already have Blue, it looks like I’ll need to find a rescue dog that’s looking for a home.

It’s Interesting that the unloved and left-behind hounds tugged at our hearts. Reminds me of what Jesus said about a single lost sheep and how the owner left his large flock of ninety-nine and hunted for the lost one. That’s how much God loves us.

My livestock holdings aren’t that numerous. In fact, I can count them on one hand: Blue the Cowdog and mouse-detector Annie. When I’m not wrangling them, I’m writing stories about #lovingthecowboy.

Currently, I’m working on three novels. I know, just a little bit crazy. One is a contemporary romantic-suspense that is an absolute story-of-my-heart with a dog named Cree, a heeler mix that belongs to the cowboy-cop hero.

Another book-in-the-making is titled Mail-Order Misfire, and it’s slated for a September release as part of a multi-author historical Thanksgiving collection.

The third novel is Book 3 of the Front Range Brides series, and it will be Sophie’s story. For those of you who have read Books 1 and 2, you know who I’m talking about.

Sophie’s family has a dog named Dudley. However, I don’t know what type of dog he is.

Just for fun, what kind of dog do you think fits the name Dudley? It has to be a breed accessible to people in the American West in the 1880s.

For you researchers out there, how creative can you get?

I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

The randomly chosen winner from among last week’s commenters was Carolsue. Please contact me about your free copy of The Miracle Tree.

Almost everyone enjoys a good dog tale. Share on X

“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them,
does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness,
and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?”
(Luke 15:4-7 NKJV)


ALT="cover book the Miracle Tree"And then she saw the little blue heeler pup sitting quietly on its haunches, pointed ears alert.
“What about him?”
“You mean her.” The caretaker opened the gate and knelt before the puppy that licked her extended hand and attempted to wag its stubby tail.
“This one’s a keeper, I tell you. If someone doesn’t take her, I’m going to talk my husband into it.” She looked up with a guilty expression. “That’s the downside of working here. I keep taking home the orphans.”
Laura held out a hand, and the puppy showered her with kisses as well.
“Does she have a name?”
“Not yet.” The woman stood and pulled the gate closed, then moved on to the next kennel. The puppy yipped once. Laura took a step back and peeked around the wall. The little dog sat with its head cocked to one side, those sharp ears pointed skyward. Intelligent eyes bore into Laura’s and seemed to promise protection and companionship.
“I’ll take her.”


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(c) 2019 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction

4 thoughts on “And the Winner Is…

  1. Donna Ackermann

    Beagle or collie – idea for breed for Dudley

    1. davalynn

      Thanks, Donna!

  2. Lori Smanski

    I would say either a: Collie or Shepard

    1. davalynn

      Wow – another collie. This is getting interesting. Thanks, Lori!


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