Do You Have Nightlights?


By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Do you have nightlights in your home?

I have several throughout the house. Some are always on, faintly visible, and others pop on automatically when daylight diminishes.

These unobtrusive illuminators serve as guides for adult feet making emergency calls in the night, or as comfort for little eyes not quite accustomed to darkness. Pale blue or warm yellow, they are positioned strategically for direction or encouragement.

God made a similar provision for His people centuries ago. An old fisherman named Peter talks about it, telling us that God left lamps shining in dark places until daylight dawned.  This was his metaphor explaining what the ancient prophets said about the coming Christ. Their words were spiritual nightlights to keep people from stumbling in the dark until the Light of the World appeared.

In the margin of my Bible, next to 2 Peter 1:17-19, I have written, “nightlight until dawn.”

I love finding things like that. Little encouraging messages that give me a new way of looking at old things.

What encouraging messages have your heard lately?


Do you have nightlights or do you stumble? Share on X

ALT="cover book the Miracle Tree"A black head bobbed over the crest of the hill, followed by four others. The cows crowded around the tank, slurping noisily and wiping their noses with long, slick tongues.
Laura laughed at the familiar scene long forgotten. So much of country life had slipped into dim memory.
The realization sent her to the shed that butted against the corrals—her dad’s storage area where he kept his tools and other supplies. The door opened easily and stretched cobwebs across the frame. With a piece of broken board, she cleared the opening, then stepped inside. Speckled light filtered into the dusty cavity, and most of what had once been there was gone. She scanned the workbench, looking for traces of her former life, expecting to find little if anything.  ~The Miracle Tree


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(c) 2019 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction