You Are of More Value

ALT="sparrows feeding free book"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

What was that hanging from my bird feeder – a bat?

I looked again. Sparrows swarmed the feeder and the ground beneath it, scrabbling for seeds and corn in the snow.

The dangling creature flapped its wings and tried to upright itself. A bird. A tiny sparrow.

Again it fell and hung by one foot snared in the feeder’s decorative edging. I’d never seen such a thing.

Pulling on my snow boots and gloves, I briefly regretted the disturbance my presence would cause the other birds, particularly the covey of quail huddled nearby beneath a sheltering spruce. But I could not let the single bird hang there until it froze to death or was snagged by a hawk.

As I approached, the birds scattered in a rush of wings. Only the captive remained, flailing, chirping, I supposed, in panic. A female, gray and plain, missing the bold markings of the more colorful males. Her little eyes watched me as she cried, but she was no match for my gloved fingers that cupped her wings close to her body.

The bones of her foot were thinner than the smallest twig. I reached beneath the rim of the feeder, hoping to dislodge her foot from the other side without snapping it or her leg in two.

It worked.

Once clear of the ornate prison, I opened the hand that held her, and she flew away to feed again.

I’d done something right.

I thought of the shepherd who left a flock of ninety-nine sheep to rescue the one that was missing.

Though the metaphor clashed with Jesus’ words about our value compared to sparrows, both stories spoke to how much He loves us. How He has gone out of His way to show us that love and to rescue us.

Inside, I pulled off my boots and stood at the window watching the sparrows return to their feeding ground, seemingly unconcerned that one of their own had been at risk and rescued. Unaware of the delight I take in watching them and feeding them.

May we never forget how precious we are to the One who watches over us and provides for our every need. For He has told us, “You are of more value than many sparrows.”


Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?
And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will ….
Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:31 NKJ

You are of more value. Share on X

ALT="Just in Time for Christmas"

Abigale stopped in front of the trees, the ache of missing her adoptive grandparents nearly bending her in half. They had truly rescued her, saved her from an orphanage or worse when they’d brought her to their ranch. Dim memories of her parents hung like a thin curtain at the back of her mind, but she’d long ago lost their faces. All that remained was a vague sense of safety that had been suddenly and swiftly torn away. ~Just in Time for Christmas



ALT="cowboy boot with sunflowers"

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(c) 2019 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#ChristmasRomance #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook

4 thoughts on “You Are of More Value

  1. Lori Smanski

    This is a wonderful post. Thank you for the reminder of this verse. I would like to think I would do exactly the same as you. We love to watch our back yard birds also. And this extends to everyone in our lives. Have a blessed week

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Lori. And to you as well.

  2. Jenny Berlin

    What a beautiful post! I’m a long-time bird feeder myself, so I immediately identified with your story. I too delight in caring for these little creatures, and I often think of the verse you mentioned when I feed them every morning.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Jenny, for stopping by! So glad you enjoyed the post.


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