Why Doesn’t God Do Something?

ALT="Why doesn't God do something?"

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

“Why doesn’t God do something!”

Have you ever heard (or asked) that question?

I have, and most of the time it’s related to what I can see, which is a very limited perception.

For example, when it comes to critters, if I don’t see evidence of activity, I often doubt the presence of life.

Some people have unwisely made this assumption about teenagers.

However, just because we don’t see activity doesn’t mean life isn’t present, especially where God and teenagers are concerned.

I raised (survived) three teenagers, so I’m qualified to make that joke.

But I didn’t raise God, nor have I counseled Him. He doesn’t do chores for me, nor is He on my payroll.

He is God. Sovereign. Almighty. Eternal.

Many of the things He does I can’t see. I’m not talking about the things He’s done – like cover the sea with water and the heavens with clouds. Breathe into a clay figure and create a living human.

No, I mean what He’s doing in our earthly “now.” Right this minute.

A couple of verses from Psalm 146 grabbed my attention the other day because they were filled with action verbs about what God is doing. The Lord … 

Opens               (the eyes of the blind)

Raises               (those who are bowed down)

Loves                (the righteous)

Watches            (over the strangers)

Relieves            (the fatherless and widow)

Turns upside down     (the way of the wicked)

Apparently, God is doing plenty. But He’s not too busy to hear our cry for help and answer us.

After all, He’s God.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1 


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ALT="Change of Scenery woman by river Davalynn SpencerWithout invitation, Cale Hutton’s bold challenge in the pasture rose up, his daring grin and overwhelming presence that assured her he would have carried her back to the ranch house had she refused to ride the mare.

Ella sank lower in the tub and puffed out an irritated breath, rippling the water’s surface. He had crossed the line of propriety. Pushed her in spite of her insistence. And done exactly the opposite of everyone else. Perhaps it was his rancher’s wisdom that looked past her shortcomings and into her soul.

Dipping her head beneath the water, she rubbed her scalp, ridding her hair of the last reminder of ranch life—a life entirely different from hers. Cale lived here and she did not. He would stay behind when she left. Their lives were as different as . . .

Lard and butter. She rose from the water, his phrase pulling a smile from her lips. His acceptance of her, in spite of their differences, was like sweet butter on one of Clara’s perfect biscuits. If only Ella could look forward to such a life with such a man.

Stepping carefully from the tub, she toweled her hair and tied on her wrapper, acknowledging God’s full acceptance of her, His perfect care in spite of any turn of events. He was the one constant in her life, and that realization loosed her tears again. But this time they were not tears of despair, but of gratitude. ~A Change of Scenery

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(c) 2022 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance #CowboyRomance

4 thoughts on “Why Doesn’t God Do Something?

  1. Karen Gee

    As the song goes:
    He is up to something.
    He is doing something.
    Right now. Right now!
    God is always working in our lives as we give our lives to Him. God is in control and there is much to be in control of these days! If it wasn’t for God’s hand of protection on us, what would our lives be like?
    When we believe only what we can see with our eyes, we are spiritually poor.

    1. davalynn

      Amen, Karen. Thanks for reading.

  2. Tamie

    I love your postings and your books. Thanks for your words on paper!

    1. davalynn

      What a blessing, Tamie. Thank you.


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