Too harsh, too barren, too lifeless

Nearly everyone has heard the optimistic adage, “Bloom where you’re planted.” Though it’s become cliché, most of us give it our best shot.

But what if the environment is harsh, barren, and lifeless? What if we’re all alone? What if we’re some place we really don’t want to be?

A few feet past my front door sits an old grinding wheel that was my father’s. This year I placed a pot of petunia’s on the seat and a pot of geraniums nearby. Due to the southern exposure and stony atmosphere, these potted plants require water twice a day to survive. But beneath the wheel, rising from the gravel-covered landscape is a healthy, blooming, pale pink volunteer petunia. And I’ve no idea where it came from.

I first saw the valiant seedling earlier this summer during our monsoon-May rains and nearly pulled it out along with other weeds. However, the leaves looked different—pale green and soft, so I left it to see what would develop.

I thought it might be a petunia, but I have never planted pink petunias, and I certainly wouldn’t plant them there. A few weeks later, I decided it was a morning glory, and delighted at the thought of it twining around the antique grinding stone.

Now I’m back to petunia. No twining vines and the blooms aren’t right for morning glories. Regardless of what it is, the seed from which it sprouted chose the most unlikely place to grow. A brutal environment, really, with the high radiant-heat temperatures and lack of water. bloom2

Still, it thrives—a gentle reminder that with God, all things are possible, even surprises.

I’m convinced God leaves us messages in His creation that relate directly to His presence in our lives.

What have you seen lately that reminded you of God’s surprises and miraculous life-giving nature?


For with God, nothing shall be impossible.

Luke 1:37





Lucy Powell faces an impossible task: resurrecting her ranch that was left to ruin when her husband was killed. How will she and her two small children do everything?




8 thoughts on “Too harsh, too barren, too lifeless

  1. Lovley post. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. davalynn

      Thanks for stopping by, Karla.

  2. Beautiful thoughts often truths often sprout from the rocky places in our lives.

    1. davalynn

      Absolutely, David. Thanks.

  3. What a great parallel you’ve drawn. Thanks for sharing, Davalynn

    1. davalynn

      Thanks for stopping by, Sandra.

  4. I also appreciate this bit of encouragement, Davalynn.

    1. davalynn

      Thanks, Elaine.


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