By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer
Each morning, my radio comes on at 5:25, set to a Christian music station, and I catch the last five minutes of an inspirational program before the day’s music begins.
Sometimes I crawl out of bed immediately. Sometimes I lie there and listen to the worship. Depends on the day.
Regardless, the radio is programmed to stay on for an hour, a worshipful background to my morning routine. I don’t always “listen,” but it’s there, building me up rather than tearing me down.
One recent morning during those first five minutes when I wasn’t fully awake, the host quoted James 1:3, though I didn’t realize it at the time. I wasn’t paying close attention, but what he said sank down into my subconscious without my recognition of it until later.
Not long after, I was in front of the TV, working out with an exercise coach on Public Television. That morning, the routine was slow, and the coach said many people don’t understand how important a slow workout can be.
“Slow work produces endurance,” she said. “Endurance is long-term strength. Power is immediate strength,” as in a sudden burst.
A phrase from the radio host bobbed to the surface with brilliant clarity:
“…the testing of your faith produces endurance.”
The sudden “newness” of an old concept was startling.
But when the exercise coach said power strength comes from endurance strength, everything clicked into place.
My spiritual tendency is to want power over endurance, because endurance takes time to acquire.
That’s time, as in more than ten minutes. Long-term. Requiring perseverance. And usually that other word, waiting.
Has God ever encouraged us to slow down and wait?
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles.
They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Wow. That sounds like endurance to me.

The Parker ranch stood as a solid example of hard labor and diligence and a family’s strength. Mae Ann was determined to do her part in continuing that heritage. This was her home now too, and with God’s help, her marriage could become beautiful and good as well. ~An Improper Proposal
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