It’s All About Perspective
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Park rangers may have set the flat stones in a stairstep pattern that curved up the small rise, but whoever it was, I appreciated their efforts. The path led to a lonely juniper standing boldly against a piercingly blue sky. A picturesque pose just asking

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Words Matter
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer I have a friend who often says, “Words matter.” I couldn’t agree more. Words started this whole thing – divine words, when God said, “Let there be light.” And there it was. Words also perverted perfection when the tempter whispered to Eve, “Did God really

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At the Moment
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer One morning several years ago, a dear family friend called, and we chatted about our respective families. The conversation quickly worked around to the Lord. It always does with Pat Day, Eclipse Award-winning jockey and proclaimer of the faith. My husband, Mike, and Pat became

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doe and fawn

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer A doe and her spotted fawn make their rounds daily behind my house. They start out beneath the apple tree on the west side, skirt around my fenced backyard, jump over a low stack of firewood, and end up under the pear tree on the

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5 Reasons to Love Romance During Romance Awareness Month
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Did you know that August is Romance Awareness Month? Sounds good to me since I write Western romance. However, it’s also been six months since flaming-heart February, and it doesn’t hurt to be hit with a reminder of happily-ever-after. Literarily speaking, “romance” is a genre

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Why Doesn’t God Do Something?
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer “Why doesn’t God do something!” Have you ever heard (or asked) that question? I have, and most of the time it’s related to what I can see, which is a very limited perception. For example, when it comes to critters, if I don’t see evidence

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Those Who Wait
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Isaiah 40:31 is a familiar verse to me, beautifully poetic about soaring on wings like eagles. It was an underlying theme in one of my novels, The Miracle Tree, and I’ve also written about it for Guideposts publications. But last week I saw the verse

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Grief: The Healing Place – Part 3 of 3
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Grief breaks into our lives whether we are ready or not. Usually, we are not. But with God’s help, the broken pieces can be fit back together and made stronger. For Part 1 and Part 2 of this series on grief, see July 17, 2022,

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Grief: Sorrow Shared – Part 2 of 3
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer We all meet grief at some point in our lives. There is no right, better, or perfect way to grieve, but sharing our experiences with others can help us in our own journey. For Part 1 of this 3-part series, click here. Part 2  During

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Grief: The Intimacy of Suffering – Part 1 of 3

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Everyone faces grief at some point in their life. There is no right, better, or perfect way to deal with it. We just deal with it. In our own way. But there are many little broken bits we have in common with others, and we

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It’s Easy to Get Sidetracked
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Life speaks to us metaphorically all the time. Consider the word “sidetracked.” The Online Etymology Dictionary (not the bug book) says the word is from the old railroad days (1874) when a “side-track” or railway siding allowed train cars to move onto a sidetrack. The

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Celebrate Freedom
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer It is right to celebrate freedom. It is right to celebrate independence from tyranny. And it is right to remember those who paid the greatest price for that freedom and independence. Therefore, on this Independence Day for our nation, let us also remember the freedom

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A Sense of Place
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Have you ever felt out of place, as if you didn’t belong? Have you ever thought a comment, piece of artwork, or something else was out of place? It just didn’t fit. A sense of place – belonging – is highly valued, and that’s why

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Tend to Your Herd: Tribute to a Dad
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By Jake Spencer Tend to Your Herd The sun comes up and the moon goes down, I roll outta bed, my feet hit the ground. I pull on my pants, ’n slide on my boots, The cowboy inside me comes from my roots.   Three kids in

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Hunger and Thirst No More – Guest post by Donna Schlachter
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 @davalynnspencer Please welcome author Donna Schlachter today as she shares unusual insight into hunger and gives us a peak at her historical, romantic-mystery novel, Calli. By Donna Schlacter             Scripture tells us that God will use an animal to get a person’s attention. The donkey talked to

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