One Thing

ALT="black button women's history"

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

If you haven’t already heard, March is Women’s History Month.

The button pictured above was left in my box in the teacher’s lounge when I taught at the college. I laugh every time I notice it on my “inspiration” board at home.

However, I can think of several well-behaved women who did make history, in spite of their quiet demeanors. Especially one named Mary.

No, I’m not referring to the mother of Jesus, and, of course, not Mary Magdalene who started out quite a bit less than well-behaved. I’m talking about one of two biblical sisters with a brother named Lazarus.

You may have heard of Mary and Martha who one day hosted a dozen or so visitors at their home. Martha would have fit well in our current society—a woman of many talents who could juggle more than one duty at a time. Always busy, always looking for what needed to be done. Quite capable of managing a home and serving unexpected houseguests.

But her sister Mary chose not to be caught up in the necessary preparations that day. Instead, she sat down and listened to what one of the guests had to say. Jesus.

Martha complained and asked Jesus to prod her sister into being more helpful. His response was surprising – at least to me, a woman who often finds herself morphing into much-to-do Martha.

My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42 NLT). 

One thing? Really? Just one?

What do you think it was? How would you put it into your own words? How would you fit it into your own life?

Of all the many things I have to do and want to do, Jesus said one ranks above all the others. Do I give it the importance and attention it deserves? Or do I push it to the bottom of the list and say, “Later, when I have time”?

Indeed, I have learned in my life that very few of all the things I’ve worried about have ever happened. Maybe .05 percent.

But that one thing is a priceless choice that affects not just me but those around me, especially my family.

What is your one thing, and what will you do with it?

May we make history in the lives of our families, not just this month, but every day.


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ALT="Hope Is Built" book cover man on horse with cattle


Tranquility reigned, and Mary breathed deeply of the pristine air, relaxing as they rode toward the rimrock. It was farther away than she had first thought, but hurry was not a matter to concern her … she had let go of the tension that had been building since her arrival in Colorado …. Her biggest issue now was where to wait out the building of her house. She could well afford a room at the Denton Hotel in town, but was reluctant to leave the Rafter-H. She loved everything about it, one thing in particular above all the others. ~Hope Is Built

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(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “One Thing

  1. Elaine Kiefer

    I believe the one thing Jesus was talking about was sitting and hearing His Word. Setting aside the time to do that is much easier now that I am the mother of grown children, not young ones, but I have always striven to do that and the blessed reward is the meek and quiet spirit that Peter talks about.
    I am always so blessed and encouraged by your words. Thank you.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Elaine. Yes, there is great reward in hearing Him.

  2. Deanna Sturgeon

    I tend to be more Martha than Mary especially when there’s a family gathering. Things need to get done to prepare for the meal. In doing so, I miss out on visiting with my relatives. In Texas, I attended a Sunday School class called the M and M class! Stood for Mary and Martha. I need to be a Mary once and awhile so I don’t miss out on quality time with important people.

    1. davalynn

      So true, Deanna. And what a great name for a class!


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