Cool of the Day
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer  What would it sound like to hear God’s presence? Would it be the whirlwind mentioned by Job, the rushing wind of Pentecost, the whisper Moses detected? Genesis 3:8 tells us that Adam and Eve heard God walking in the garden and hid themselves from His

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Life wins!
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer  One morning last week, an ethereal veil hung over our small orchard, shrouding the budding trees with mist. I wondered, could that be what it looked like in God’s garden that we read about in Genesis? “… but a mist went up from the earth

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Of Birthdays and Other Interuptions
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer  My perspective of age has changed over the years. Perhaps that’s because I’m on a different side of it than I once was. I still look ahead in anticipation, but now I look back with more gratitude for where the Lord has brought me and

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We Run Out of Time
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Time. We run out of time faster than we run out of money and milk. But we can always get more money and milk. We can’t go get more time. When I was growing up and my mother didn’t want to accept an invitation, she

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Everything Changed
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Everything changed at dawn. Light revealed the emptiness left behind when Life got up and walked out of the tomb. He does that, you know. Jesus does the unexpected. Even though He told His friends (and enemies) He wouldn’t stay dead, they were surprised. From

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Would He Ever Forget?
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer A.D. 33    Bethany, a village near Jerusalem Six days before Passover Asher pulled his cloak tighter, wishing he’d worn his heavier wool garment this evening. The short walk to his neighbor’s house warmed him some, but the air nipped around his ears. Much remained

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Go In Peace
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Two weekends this month I have a small part in a play* about the life of Christ as well as the life of a wizened old judge whose dead friend pays him a visit. It is the second production I have participated in over the

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The Refiner’s Fire
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Please welcome my guest blogger today, author Susan G. Mathis, as she talks about something we all experience … The Refiner’s Fire Have you ever gone through the refiner’s fire? I’m sure you have, and so did my characters in Mary’s Moment who had just

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Not Without Horses and Women
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer It has been said that the American West was “hell on horses and women,” but without them, the Wild West may never have been. Fits right in with Women’s History Month, doesn’t it? Alice Marriott, author of a book with the same colorful title, Hell

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One Thing
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer If you haven’t already heard, March is Women’s History Month. The button pictured above was left in my box in the teacher’s lounge when I taught at the college. I laugh every time I notice it on my “inspiration” board at home. However, I can

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Someone to Devour
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Someone to Devour Sounds gruesome, doesn’t it? Like something out of a zombie or horror movie. However, there is more of that sort of thing going on than we realize. A friend of mine had her computer hacked the other day, and the culprit obtained

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In the Beginning Was the Word
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Did you choose a “word for the year” at the beginning of 2023? Many people did. It has become a friendlier variation on the New-Year’s-Resolution theme. Researchers say resolutions last between two weeks and one month. I was surprised they lasted that long. However, a

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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer A lot is said in February about the heart. A lot of money is spent too. Advertisers market flowers, candy, cards, and jewelry all connected to the little red or pink ♥-shape denoting love, affection, fondness, and fidelity. And of course the ♥ looks nothing

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Don’t Listen to the Doubt
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Have you ever suffered from “imposter syndrome?” Misgivings about what you’ve been called to do. “Me – teach?” “Me – sing?” “Me – help the sick/poor/lonely?” As an author, I know well the spidery footsteps of doubt crawling up my shoulder … “You – write?”

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Trust Like That
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Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer Most moms have a way of knowing what their children are capable of, whether it’s good or ornery. They also usually know what’s going on. Especially at important gatherings. One day in a small Middle Eastern town roughly halfway between an inland sea and the Mediterranean,

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