Plot Twist

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Cancelled weddings

Invitation-only funerals

Online church services (exclusively)

Closed restaurants

Empty schools

Social distancing/quarantine/lock-down

Our routines have been upended and some people have panicked. Some have apologized for last minute changes, many are frightened, and others are just plain angry. Novelists, however, may be whispering, “plot twist.”

We’ve seen it before in our stories – when things don’t go as expected. When trouble infects and affects our storyworld and characters’ personal spaces. Disturbing situations are written into those stories all the time.

Why? Because no one wants to read (or write) a book about a perfect person in a perfect world with no problems. 

Readers want to see characters butting up against difficult times because that’s what readers face. They want to see characters overcome because victory is victory, even if it’s not their own.

I have relatives who survived Vietnam, economic depression, and cancer. Their stories of hard times and the victories won encourage me in what I’m experiencing now. 

Looking back on my own life, the most fulfilling times were those immediately following a crisis in which I trusted God to see us through. When He did, I didn’t have to do emotional triage on self-inflicted wounds.

Churches today, like mine and others, are leaping to fill the sudden virus-induced gap by taking their worship services online. They are reaching not only regular attendees, but people who might never step inside a church. Those viewers get to see that church is not the building but the people. “Sanctuary” takes on a whole new meaning.

So during these current, and very real, difficult times, let’s not freak out, cave in, or melt down. Local pastors here have encouraged people to be FEARLESS, PATIENT, and GENEROUS – like Jesus was. 

Let’s face the uncertainties of this time not in panic but in the peace of His presence.

Someday we’ll be able to say, “Remember when … ?”

For now, let’s say, “Thank you, God, for getting us through this plot twist.”


“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now,
and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.
God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” 
Matthew 6:34 MSG

For further reading:

2 Kings 7

Genesis 45

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ALT="Book cover An Improper Proposal"

Mae Ann pulled the beans to the front of the stove, wiped the counter, and washed her cup and clean plate for something to do. Food held no appeal, whether Cade showed up for dinner or not. Her mind was a mess of knots and loose ends with no hope of sorting it all out.

The door crashed open and heavy steps pounded into the front room. She hurried around the wall to find Deacon ashen-faced above his bushy mustache, his arms holding a limp, unconscious man. Cade. ~An Improper Proposal





Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2020 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

 #WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #FreeBook #HistoricalRomance

4 thoughts on “Plot Twist

  1. Phylis Moore

    Thanks Davalynn! So important! Bless you and yours!

    1. davalynn

      And you as well, Phylis.

  2. Karen Gee

    Amen!!! Thank you Davalynn!
    God is still on the throne!
    What better protection than being in the arms of an all loving God who gave His only Son to sacrifice his life for our sins and reconnect us to God (as we chose to serve Him).
    Holy,Holy,Holy is the Lord God All Mighty!

    1. davalynn

      Absolutely, Karen.


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