National Cookie Day – and a Give-away!

ALT="tine cookie cutters"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Tomorrow is National Cookie Day. I am certain the day of national recognition was determined with me in mind. As far as I’m concerned, Cookie Day is right up there with Mother’s Day and birthdays.

I can easily turn down pie or cake. Doughnuts do nothing for me at all, unless they’re “bear sign.” But cookies? Oh my.

Especially frosted Christmas cookies, as in gingerbread men, stars, snowflakes, rocking horses…

Therefore, it’s quite natural that cookies play an important role in my Christmas novella, Snow Angel. So do cookie cutters.

ALT="old tin cookie cutters"Here’s a photo of some of my mother’s old cutters that she passed down to me. If you’d like to read more about antique cookie cutters, check out my blog post here on Heroes, Heroines, and History titled, “Shaping the Holidays One Cookie at a Time.”

Of course, there are all kinds of cookies, but the “Rolled Cookies” page in my cookbook has more stains on it than any other. Every year, my children and I made batch after batch of sugar cookie dough, then cut and decorated myriad shapes. ALT="children making cookies"

We also made spritz “press” cookies, chocolate chip “drop” cookies, gingerbread men, and twisted red and white “candy cane” cookies.

Everyone seems to have a favorite. My mother liked persimmon cookies best. Favorite cookies have even been categorized by state, and this link will take you to the Reader’s Digest list of fifty state holiday choices, recipes included.

This week, in honor of National Cookie Day, I’m giving away two copies of my Christmas novella, Snow Angel. Winners will be randomly chosen from people who comment on this blog in the comment section below. All you have to do is leave your email address and tell me your favorite cookie. If you’d rather not leave your email address here, you can send it via Messenger or email.

The contest will run through Friday, Dec. 7 at midnight, and I will announce the winner in next Monday’s blog.

Until then, bake up a batch of your favorite cookies and share with someone you love.

“He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9 NLT).


National Cookie Day and a Give-away! Share on X

ALT="historical holiday romance novella Snow Angel"As he neared the kitchen, the smell of gingerbread drew him back to childhood and the warmth of his ma’s quick hug after she’d give him a couple of ginger cookies. One for each hand, she always said…

…He held Lena’s hand until her eyes opened, shining like a spring puddle after rain. Words deserted him. Giving a quick squeeze, he let go and stepped back.

She didn’t speak, but she didn’t shy away either. Just stood looking down at the apron she’d bunched.

Hope lurched.

The dog scratched at the door, shattering the moment. Fool animal had pitiful timing.

Lena snickered and gave him two broken cookies off the tray.

He smiled. “One for each hand?”

“No. One for the dog.”

At least she hadn’t chewed him out for taking liberties. But he’d meant no disrespect. Just the opposite.

He followed the dog outside, missing Lena something fierce, and he wasn’t even gone yet. Pulling in a cold draught, he took in the sky, clear as glass. The sun bright, sparkling on the fresh white blanket that lay smooth across the fields. Perfect for making snow figures.

Fool notion for a man his age, but for some reason he couldn’t shake it.   ~Snow Angel

ALT="cowboy boot with sunflowers"

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(c) 2018 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

#WesternRomance #ChristianFiction #HolidayRomance

31 thoughts on “National Cookie Day – and a Give-away!

  1. Barbara Raymond

    My favorite Christmas cookie is chocolate cottage cheese cookies. We make them only at Christmas and they go fast.

    1. davalynn

      Barbara – now that’s a recipe I’ve never heard of. However, I make a chocolate cake with buttermilk and it’s wonderful. I’ll bet your cookies are too!

    2. That sounds wonderful! I need that recipe!!

  2. Laura McLendon

    My favorite Christmas Cookie might be Mexican Wedding Cookies known by another name.

    1. davalynn

      Yum, Laura. Tradition rings there as well.

  3. Robin in NC

    Oh Davalynn, I’m like you, cookies are my weakness! My mom used to start her cookie baking weeks before Christmas, what anticipation when opening each of those cookie tins to see which treat was inside! I so miss those days. Anyway, my favorite cookie is cut out sugar cookies. I still bake those & decorate with my grand kids. Merry Christmas to you & your family!

    1. davalynn

      Robin – there’s just something about those cut-outs, isn’t there? Merry Christmas!

  4. Vicki Nicholson

    My favorite Christmas cookie, Peppernuts”, holds a lot of family memories. The family recipe was passed down from my Grandma Lena, to my dad, to me, and my children. We’re now teaching the young’s ‘uns the tradition!

    1. davalynn

      What a wonderful tradition, Vicki. And I couldn’t help but notice your Grandma’s name. Hmm. Seems I’ve seen that name quite recently in a Christmasy way 🙂

  5. Vicky Sluiter

    I love a traditional Christmas sugar cookie with frosting. Mmmm……

    1. davalynn

      Yes, Vicky. My problem is that I like them too much!

  6. Lisa Ann Phillips

    My favorite cookie is Gingerbread cookies. I didn’t realize how much I liked them until a few years ago.

    1. davalynn

      Funny, isn’t it Lisa, how our tastes change over time. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Linda Plotner

    My mother didn’t do much baking but my daughter does. She has her own perfected recipe for chocolate chip cookies but my favorite is her cowboy cookies.

    1. davalynn

      Linda – those cowboy cookies sound adorable!

  8. Paula Shreckhise

    I love pecan sadies . I also make an almond cookie and a coconut shortbread. paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet

    1. davalynn

      Sounds so good, Paula!

  9. Pam

    My favorite cookies are gingerbread. My mom used to make a very thin ginger cookie. I can’t roll dough that thin, but I do remember how wonderful they were. Merry Christmas, and thanks for the opportunity to win your book!

    1. davalynn

      Pam, your cookies would fit right in the story! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Janis Biggs

    How do I count the ways I love cookies. Gingerbread, Pecan Sandies, Pffernuesse, Chocolate Chip are all my favorites

    1. davalynn

      Haha – love it, Janis!

  11. I love cookies! I can’t remember if I’ve ever had gingerbread cookies (oddly enough), but I want to try them. I’m still not sure of my favorite… Shortbread… Thumbprint…. Idk. A good old fashion double chocolate chip?

    1. davalynn

      Oh yes, Heather. Thumbprints (sigh). My mom used to buy them from the local bakery, and they were wonderful.

  12. Rina

    Love gingerbread cookies and Russian Tea cookies.

    1. davalynn

      I need to try Russian tea cookies. Thanks, Rina.

  13. Karen Gee

    I have to say my favorite all time cookie is the Texas Cow Chip. It’s full of all kinds of goodies. You make them very large as in “life size”!
    I used to make them for an elderly neighbor that loved cookies.
    Yesterday we celebrated National Cookie Day. My husband made a batch of White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookies. Another favorite. But I really enjoyed decorating Butter Cookies with the grandkids in years past. Spending Christmas with children makes you feel young!

    1. davalynn

      Okay, Karen, now I’m REALLY hungry!

  14. Pam Lunsford

    My favorite cookies are chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal cookies. The recipes for the peanut butter and oatmeal cookies came from my granny, she passed away in 1987. I remember my granny and mom using those same cookie cutter you have.
    At Christmas we have so many sweets that the only cookies I fix are sugar cookies.

    1. davalynn

      What wonderful memories, Pam.

  15. Jenny

    I have the exact same set of cookie cutters, Davalynn, passed down to me from my mother. It may be my imagination, but I think my sugar cookies taste better using them. Frosted sugar cookies have always been my favorite, but another family tradition is making pumpkin cookies with a brown sugar glaze. They’re delicious!

    1. davalynn

      Oh, Jenny, I haven’t thought of those pumpkin cookies in a few years. Yes, they are superb!


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