My Way – and a Giveaway

ALT="gully in dry ground" My Way

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Things don’t always work out the way we hope they will.

Let me rephrase that:

Rarely do things work out the way we hope. Or expect. Or plan. Or even pray.

Could that be because we’re not listening?

I will not divulge how many times I’ve waved my arms at God and yelled, “Hey, God, I have this great idea. Let’s do it my way!”

Can you relate?

In my latest book release, Covering Grace, the main character, Grace Hutton wants to do things her way, but she bumps up against frustration and disappointment time after time.

Not only is she challenged by what she reads in her grandfather’s Bible, she must also deal with the unsought counsel of those closest to her.

Though Grace’s circumstances may be quite different from your own, the choices of how to respond can be similar. I hope you’ll enjoy this final installment in the beloved Cañon City Chronicles series and be encouraged through Grace’s adventures.


Is there someone in your life, past or present, who was a voice of wisdom and encouragement to you? If so, share briefly below how they helped you stay on the right track or get off the wrong one. Commenters will be entered in a drawing for a signed print copy of Covering Grace.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9


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Covering Grace by author Davalynn SpencerGrace didn’t have time to fume over the assistant director’s idea of humor. Harley was about to have the fastest grooming he’d ever known and a nice little jog down Main Street. It’d be a good warm-up for him.

She glanced at the boarding house and dipped her head—as if Dorrie wouldn’t recognize her, or Dan, if he was still there. But she didn’t have time for explanations and arguments. She had to look her best. Do her best.

She ran around to the corral and slipped through the poles, whistling to Harley.

His ears came up and he ambled toward her.

“Good boy, old man.” Leading him inside the barn, she could feel her excitement transfer through her touch as it always did. His head lifted and his eyes brightened.

“This could be our big chance, Harley. I need your best performance.”

A quick once-over—a lick and a promise, her mother would have called it—was all she had time for. Satisfied he was as shiny as possible, she checked his hooves and the leather strap modification she’d made to her saddle, then stepped up, thrilled to be atop her old friend again. Leaning down, she stroked and patted his neck, then walked him out of the barn into the bold light of day.

“You’re going, aren’t you.”

Surprised, she flinched, and Harley lunged forward, arching his neck and prancing.

She calmed him with a soothing word, then whirled toward Dan. “Sneaking up on a horse is not wise.”

“I wasn’t sneaking. You came out when I walked up.”

“I don’t have time to argue.”

Dan opened his mouth to say more, but Grace clicked her tongue and Harley sprang forward. ~ Covering Grace

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2024 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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2 thoughts on “My Way – and a Giveaway

  1. Lori Smanski

    My momma was always my best friend. She disciplined and yet loved me and taught me so much. I learned about Jesus at her knees. I learned to be a prayer warrior from her. I remember while growing up saying to myself “If I could be just half of mom, I would be a happy person” Well she taught me to constantly strive for the best at all times with Jesus by my side. She has been gone now for about 9 years and I hope I am half as good as her, but in so many ways different. I love that woman still.

    1. davalynn

      Lori – What a treasure your mother gave you. Beyond measure. Thank you for sharing about her.


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