More Than Those Who Watch for the Morning

ALT="birds in a tree at sunrise"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

I like to walk just before dawn. I don’t always make it, but when I do, I am awed each time by the moment night becomes day.

Many verses in the Bible speak of it, and one of my favorites is Psalm 130:5-6

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in His word I do hope.
My soul waits for the Lord more than those
who watch for the morning–

Different versions of this verse suggest that the watchers were guards on night duty or ancient priestly servants who signaled the dawn for those making the daily sacrifice.

However, I have found other watchers in that early in-between hour. They sit quietly tucked among branches, voices silent beneath their wings, waiting for the exact moment.

And I wonder – do I wait like that? Do I watch for the Lord in confident expectancy of His intervention? Do I hope in His word with the same certainty of knowing the sun will rise?

I want to.

May this new year, regardless of what comes with it, be one of prayer and faith and expectancy. I want to watch for the Lord’s involvement in my life, for I know He will be working, healing, revealing, liberating.

I don’t want to miss it.

So I watch.


More than those who watch for the morning. Share on X

ALT="Change of Scenery woman by river Davalynn SpencerThe wind shifted, ruffled through the ridge-top grass, and trailed Cale’s face like a woman’s fingers. His saddle creaked beneath him, and he tilted his hat brim to the lip of land where the sky burned gold.

Since boyhood, he’d had a need to see the sun break over the hills, watch it bleed fire across the mountains and leak down into the valleys and parks. But this morning, a flame curled in his chest, flickering stronger as dawn chased the shadows. He rubbed a spot beneath his vest, a familiar burn, the longing he thought he’d broke with for good.

Doc tossed his head and nickered, and the rumble traveled through Cale’s legs and up into his gut. Morning’s breath licked around behind him and whispered against his neck – she’s close.  ~A Change of Scenery

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(c) 2021 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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4 thoughts on “More Than Those Who Watch for the Morning

  1. Karen Gee

    The Lord has never failed to give us a sunrise each and every day. Great is His faithfulness!
    This is the most awesome part of the day!
    His Mercies are also new everyday.
    I love what you wrote. And what is God expecting from us each day that He gives us?

    1. davalynn

      Yes, Karen. Evidence of His faithfulness.

  2. Nanci Carter Slattery

    I am not a morning person, I never have been. After reading this piece I question wether it is because of my confidence in the Lords promise of the sun’s rising or in my merely assuming that it will.

    1. davalynn

      Nancy – I’ll go with your confidence in Him that it will!


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