Hearts to You

ALT="quilted heart"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Do you have a Valentine? I believe we all do, whether we realize it or not. I’m not talking about someone to whom we’ve given our hearts in the romantic sense, but someone who epitomizes Christian love in our life.

Tradition says Valentine’s Day originated as a Christian Feast Day honoring a martyr named Valentine. You can read about it here. Over time, the day became a commercial celebration of romantic love, with the exchange of Valentine cards, candy, or flowers. Retailers love it.

Though we enjoy receiving such remembrances from our sweetheart, what about looking beyond our spouse, fiancé, or boyfriend/girlfriend to someone in our lives who has blessed us? What about writing a letter to them expressing appreciation for their acts of sharing God’s love through an encouraging word, a prayer, a smile, or a listening ear?

Okay, I can hear your arguments:

“But I’m not good at expressing my thoughts.”

“I’m not an emotionally-literate person.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“I have terrible handwriting.”

Here are some suggestions for what you could say:

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for helping.”

“Thank you for listening.”

“Thank you for your prayers.”

“Thank you for your encouragement.”

As a public-school teacher, I always included letter-writing lessons, regardless of the grade level. You might be amazed to learn how many children (and adults) have no idea how to write a letter. Texting, PM-ing, emojis, and even email have robbed us of individual thought and effort. Greeting cards cheat us into simply signing our name at the bottom of a pithy or heart-tugging sentiment.

So here we go …

Use blank note paper or stationery. (If you must get a greeting card, find one that is blank on the inside.)

Use a pen or pencil.

Near the upper left-hand corner write: Dear (their name), or simply their name followed by a comma.

Below that, write out what you want to say, beginning on the left side of the paper.

Below that, about halfway across the page from left to right, sign your name.

You can use a closing in front of your name if you want, something like: Fondly, Warmly, Love, with appreciation …

Put the note in an envelope, address it (by hand), write your name and address in the upper left-hand corner, and affix a stamp in the upper right. (Don’t take offense here. Like I said, you’d be surprised by how many people don’t know how to write or send a personal letter.)

Our handwriting is as individual as our fingerprints, and I believe that is by God’s design. I can tell when someone has written to me or simply used a cursive font on the computer. It makes a difference in how I receive what has been sent.

If your hand trembles when you write, I encourage you to write anyway. If the recipient is someone who loves you, they will recognize your sincerity in your handwriting.

The act of writing with a pen or pencil, addressing an envelope, affixing a stamp, and mailing a thought to someone might mean more to them than you’d imagine.

You don’t have to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” unless you want to. It’s not about Valentine’s. It’s about you and someone who touched you in the Lord’s name.

Hearts to you.

And if you give even a cup of cold water
to one of the least of my followers,
you will surely be rewarded.
Matthew 10:42


A handwritten note Share on X


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E-book & Audio

Turning left onto the county road, Laura pushed into the long straightaway, but changed her mind and slowed past the ranch entrance. A long wooden sign with an oak-tree silhouette and deep-cut letters hung above the gate: “Hawthorne Ranch.” A rider circled in the round pen near the barn, but only the top of his hat showed over the high railing. Had to be Eli.

She returned her attention to the road, threaded the S-curve, and stopped at the mailboxes to find hers empty. Disappointment elbowed out her earlier good mood. Nearly all her communication she handled online. Efficient and impersonal. But for some odd reason she longed for a letter, handwritten words on real stationery, folded and sealed in a hand-addressed envelope. Something that said she was worth the extra time and effort.

She’d seen her mother’s old love letters from Daddy. They seemed so much more personal than email and texts and instant messages.

But people didn’t write letters any more.

And besides, who would write to her? ~The Miracle Tree

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2024 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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2 thoughts on “Hearts to You

  1. Karen Gee

    I totally agree that hand written notes or letters have gone by the wayside. I cherish the old letters that I received when times were different. I still send cards that I buy, but I do write a relevant note for the occasion.
    It really does mean more to me to receive something hand written!
    I think my family will be amazed at the cards I have in boxes that were given to me over the years!

    1. davalynn

      Yes, Karen, those cards often carry family history and sweet memories inside. Thanks for sharing!


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