Do Not Be Afraid

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Some people like to be frightened and enjoy watching horror movies or reading scary stories. Maybe it’s because they know the scenarios are not real and they feel safe and relieved after the faux fright.

Halloween is our most traditional fright night – a time when children dress up and pretend to be someone else for a while. Trick-or-treaters often fill our neighborhoods, cashing in on community candy.

There may be a few scary faces roaming our streets later this week, but in our day-to-day lives, we all deal with plenty of real-life intimidation.

A young Old Testament prophet named Jeremiah wasn’t too excited about his godly call to challenge the status quo, and called “foul,” claiming to be underage.

God told him that age had nothing to do with obedience, and He gave Jeremiah a promise we can all claim when accepting a task to which He has called us:

“Do not be afraid of their faces,
for I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord.
Jeremiah 1:8

Thank God, He is with us regardless of our age or what we face. And He is faithful to bring us through.

Can you recall an intimidating situation through which the Lord helped you? I’d love to hear what He did in your life.


Do not be afraid. Share on X

A Mistletoe Christmas by author Davalynn SpencerIf Georgia didn’t go to church, Dave would know why. If she did go to church, she’d have to find something else to look at during the sermon. And she’d have to sneak out the back door, avoid her friends, and make a run for the car. No matter what she did, she was sure to draw attention—either his or everyone else’s.

This was why one did not spend extracurricular time with one’s pastor.

“I can worship and pray here just as well as in that building.”

She put her dishes in the sink and wiped off the counter.

What was she so afraid of?

She cinched her bathrobe tighter and tromped up the stairs to change.

On her way down, she ran into the answer to her question.

Her friendship with Dave was becoming more than a simple, shared comfort. It was swirling—yes, swirling—into a deep attraction, and that scared her on two conflicting levels:

What if she lost it?

And how could she be attracted to a man other than her deceased husband of so many years? ~A Mistletoe Christmas

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