Are you in or are you out?

ALT TEXT="Which way?"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Last Monday, the post office was closed for the observance of Columbus Day. Tuesday morning, the line of postal patrons stretched out the door and into the lobby. It reminded me that I need to start mailing Christmas gifts.

As I approached the end of the queue, I noticed a college-aged man standing off to the side with paperwork in his hand, looking like he’d never been inside the post office before.

“Are you in line?” I asked.

“Sort of,” he replied.

Not the answer I expected. I’d thought he would say yes or no.

I set my heavy box on the dividing counter that keeps customers away from the main counter until it’s their turn, then looked at the young man and indicated the space in front of me. The space he should have been filling.

“Go ahead.”

He did.

I don’t know the reason for his hesitancy that day. Many things could have kept him in the corner watching the line grow longer. But he reminded me of how dangerous it can be to go through life with a “sort of” attitude.

Some folks drive with that mentality—sort of in their lane. Often couples don’t get married because things might not work out. And other people are in a state of perpetual wishy-washy about everything. It’s not safe.

Yes, we all look for guidance in our decisions, but once we find it, shouldn’t we commit, whether to our convictions or relationships with other people and with God?

The Bible mentions this concept several times:

…choose today whom you will serve … (Joshua 24:15)

How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? (1 Kings 18:21)

… you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! (Rev. 3:15)

The young man in the post office was getting nowhere until he committed to either get in line or leave.

God has committed Himself to us in His unfailing love. Jesus didn’t sort of save us from the penalty of sin. And we don’t have to fear that there is a sort-of way to heaven.

Thank God, He’s as clear and certain as His word, and that word stands forever.

For the word of the Lord holds true,

and we can trust everything He does.

He loves whatever is just and good;

the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.”

(Psalm 33:4-5)

Is there something in your life today that you need to step up to and say either yes or no?


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