A New Contemporary Cowboy Romance – free for a few days!

ALT="gold aspen with book overlay - A Mistletoe Christmas

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

It’s here – and free for a few days – my new contemporary cowboy Christmas romance.

It may seem early for a Christmas story but it’s never too early for love. Nor is it too late. See what readers are saying:

“What a poignant, precious, refreshing story of love and promise! The growing romance will linger in your memory as a widow and widower find hope and a future. Memorable characters within superb storytelling drive a story that brought tears to my eyes.” -Susan G Mathis, award-winning author of the Thousand Islands Gilded Age stories  

One of the things I enjoy about being a novelist is creating background details that bring the story alive. In A Mistletoe Christmas I had great fun with my characters’ pets – Ruby and Jack. I’ve always wanted a basset hound, so I gave one to my cowboy-preacher hero and named her Ruby. Jack belongs to my heroine, but I don’t want to give too much away so I’ll leave it at that.

Pick up your Kindle copy today! And please leave a review. I’d love to know what you think!


No, she wasn’t sixteen, but a woman’s heart never outgrows romance. Especially at Christmas Share on X

“Any more sights to see while we’re here?” Georgia gathered her reins and stepped up on Sodaback.

“I’ve got a view you might appreciate not too far from here,” Dave said. “We’ll ride along the edge of the aspen where a couple of low hills open to the valley. Maybe you’ll see your house.”

“Ha—I doubt that! How about the church? The steeple should stand out above all else except the water tower.”

Dave led them east, skirting the aspen until they came to a flat spot. Reining in, he turned to face the valley and Red Creek Springs.

Georgia had kept her camera around her neck, and after drawing up close to him and Buddy, she took several pictures. “You’re right. An amazing view.” She worked the long lens, then handed the camera to him. “Put the strap around your neck, then aim at the town. You might see something you recognize.”

He lifted his hat and looped the strap, knowing what he’d find. “There it is. Red Creek Springs Community Church. Red roof, steeple, and all.”

“Click the shutter.”

He took a couple of shots, adjusted the zoom lens, then turned and caught one of her. “Too close to get Soda in the picture, but it’s a good one of you.”

Surprised, she took the camera back. “Sneaky, I must say.”

He reined away and headed for the ranch. “I’ve got someone at the barn you might like to meet.” ~A Mistletoe Christmas

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