Prayer like incense

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

I stopped by the spring flower display at the local grocery store and breathed deeply. Such perfume! How could I resist?

Living bulbs would bloom year after year in my yard, right? But for the next several days, I could enjoy them on my dining table.

The following morning when I sat down with my coffee and Bible, a most delicious fragrance greeted me. At first, I thought it came from the jonquils, tiny daffodil-like blooms, but the yellow-and-orange flowers had hardly any scent at all.

So what was emitting that luscious perfume?

I leaned toward the hyacinth, not fully opened, and found the breath-taking source.

For several days after, I caught the flower’s perfume each time I walked by the dining table—and I delighted in it.

Scripture tells me prayer is like incense before the Lord. Is that how it is when I sit down with God?  Does He delight in the fragrance of my praise?

What do my prayers smell like? Am I always complaining, whining, grumbling? I know I’m invited to bring my needs and requests, my hurts and my pains. But do I bring  my worship as well?

How often do I lift up the sweet scent of thanksgiving?



As spring blooms in my yard this year, may worship bloom from my heart and rise before the Flower-Creator like a sweet perfume.


Psalm 141:2

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