
ALT="mare and foal"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

What is it about a mother that makes her do things for her children all the time? Even when no one’s looking. Even when no one knows. Even her children.

I believe it’s the God-gene she carries – not in a biological sense, but in a spiritual sense. God’s imprint on His creation.

He breathed life into Adam and from Adam created a woman, whom Adam named Eve because she would be the mother of all living.

Of course it’s a God thing.

Who else would go through pain for our deliverance?

Who else would give without thanks and then give again anyway?

Who else would say, “I’ll take care of you,” and then do it even when we’re not aware and don’t care?

Psalm 121:7 says,

The Lord will keep you from all harm – 
he will watch over your life.

Last week when the automobile-service technician called me out to my car to see the split rubber on the inside of the left front tire, I remembered that verse.

The tire was closest to oncoming traffic. All the other tires were in good shape except that one. There was an imbalance somewhere, a misalignment. The fix was easy, but the unchecked consequences could have been horrific.

This was not the first time the Lord had watched over my life, nor would it be the last.

Psalm 121:8 makes that clear:

The Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

There’s a little bit of Mom-care there, just like the little bit of God-care in the mother I remember.

Thank you, Lord.

Thanks, Mom.

Who else would go through pain for our deliverance? Share on X

ALT="An Unexpected Redemption book cover"

Mama’s gentle voice curled around her heart in a whisper: Oh, to grace how great a debtor…    ~An Unexpected Redemption







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(c) 2018 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

*“Mom-care” image: first colt by Tom’s Serenade out of Corilina, Barefoot Farm, Hot Springs, Arkansas, 1984.

(A similar version of this post first appeared May 8, 2010.)

2 thoughts on “Mom-care

  1. Karen Campbell Prough

    Hi, Davalynn! Got your book and will read it while we are traveling this weekend!

    1. davalynn

      Super, Karen. Hope you enjoy it!


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