Who Can Heal a Broken Heart?

ALT="Susan Mathis and book Rachel's Reunion"

Please welcome friend and fellow author, Susan Mathis, as she shares today about brokenness and healing.

Who Can Heal a Broken Heart?

By Susan G. Mathis

So many of us just cannot find a way to forgive, whether it’s ourselves or others. We hunker down in our pain and refuse to see there is One who can take those hurts and heal them. But when someone has the courage to tenderly touch that pain and give us hope, we find a way.

In my latest story, Rachel’s Reunion, Rachel felt her former beau, Mitch, had abandoned and rejected her. She’d become angry and hurt, and that turned to bitterness and resentment. She even sought refuge in a place she knew Mitch would never return to. But he did. She had no intention of forgiving him, but slowly, patiently, Mitch gave her hope, and God did His work. Here’s a glimpse into their story:

Mitch paused to gather strength. He must risk all for the sake of her soul. “I know Who can heal your heart, my dearest Rachel. Psalm 147 says, ‘He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names’.” He let his words sink in, praying still for guidance. “If He can put the infinite stars into orbit and name them, He can heal your precious heart and help you forgive my blunders. Truly, my sweet lass, I never meant to hurt you. I only meant to … Please entrust your heart to the Lord. And one day, perhaps, your friendship to me?”

She brushed her ear as if a mosquito teased it, a narrow-eyed scowl pricking her features. “I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. I fear it may never.”

Mitch reached out to touch her but backed away. “I cannot comprehend His ways. I’m like a gull trying to discern the workings of a ship.” A sigh escaped his lips. “But we must pave our journeys with hope, else life will be most miserable. I know He can heal your broken heart. If you allow Him.”

Rachel stared at the horizon where thunderheads rose, warning of a coming storm. Her brow furrowed, but she didn’t move. He would wait till the river froze over if he had to. To get through to her. To make her understand.

Is there someone in your life who needs hope to forgive? Hope to be free? Hope for the Lord to heal a broken heart? I pray you’ll have the words to share and can help them on their way.

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About Rachel’s Reunion

ALT="Book cover Rachel's Reunion"Summer 1904

Rachel Kelly serves the most elite patrons at the famed New Frontenac Hotel on Round Island. She has wondered about her old beau, Mitch, for nearly two years, ever since he toyed with her affections while on Calumet Island, then left for the high seas and took her heart with him. Now he’s back, opening the wound she thought was healed.

Mitch O’Keefe returns to claim his bride but finds it more difficult than he thought. Returning to work at the very place he hated, he becomes captain of a New Frontenac Hotel touring yacht, just to be near Rachel. But his attempts to win her back are thwarted, especially when a wealthy patron seeks her attention. Who will Rachel choose?


ALT="Susan G. Mathis"

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than twenty-five times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has nine in her fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s Confession, and Peyton’s Promise. Rachel’s Reunion releases October 20, 2022. She just finished writing book ten, Mary’s Moment. Her book awards include two Illumination Book Awards, three American Fiction Awards, two Indie Excellence Book Awards, and two Literary Titan Book Awards. Reagan’s Reward is a Selah Awards finalist.

Susan is also a published author of two premarital books, two children’s picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Colorado Springs and enjoys traveling around the world but returns each summer to enjoy the Thousand Islands. Visit www.SusanGMathis.com/fiction for more.

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