Our dear friends, Mark and Lynne Schricker, took my husband and me on a picnic-lunch tour of true Cowboy Country last week – the country of my heart and the country that serves as the setting for my recent book, Branding the Wrangler’s Heart.
Hop in the back of the pickup for a fresh-air ride and pretend you’re a kid again. Or take a deep, clear breath, let go of life’s clamor and clutter, and imagine you’re trailing cows to the home ranch, enjoying the scenery and just “airing out” as Lynne puts it.
Welcome to the ranch and the winter feeding grounds…
Not far from here stands an old cabin built by an early rancher.
And Mama, look! There’s water right at the house, out in the front yard, closer than the privy. No walking to the creek.
A modern cabin stands nearby with a solid foundation that keeps everything upright.
If only these old cedar-pole corrals could talk .
I’d love to hear their stories about the way it used to be.
The hazy Sangre de Cristos raise their snowy peaks in farewell as we say good-bye to the high parks.
Indian paintbrush and mountain lupine
help soften the sadness of leaving.