Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer
Isaiah 40:31 is a favorite verse for many of us. It speaks of renewing our strength and it gives three metaphorical examples of what that looks like.
Soar high on wings like eagles
Run and not grow weary
Walk and not faint
However, all of these are conditional and the condition is not metaphorical. It is literal and very real: Wait on the Lord.
What does that mean?
Wait like staff at a restaurant: “What can I get for you today?”
Wait as in line: “How long is this going to take. HURRY UP!”
Wait for someone’s arrival: “Did they miss their flight connection?”
No. Wait in this scripture means to tarry, to be patient, to gather yourself in expectancy.
When we do that – trust enough to let go – we will then be able to:
Soar above stress and conflict (no tethers, just feathers)
Run our business, our home, our projects without fatigue
Walk with endurance through our day and away from strife and gossip
Of all the four actions mentioned, it is the waiting that matters most. Waiting is the cause of the effect.
But those who wait on the LORD
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Those who wait renew their strength Share on XCongratulations to last week’s drawing winner: GISELE OBERRICH

Honesty blunted Laura’s expression and she fixed Eli with cold stoicism. “My scars aren’t as brutal as yours, or as life-altering. But they’ve changed me in ways I don’t like.”
The girl had guts, more than he did at the moment. “You haven’t given up.”
She took his hand. “Neither have you.”
He linked his fingers through hers and tugged. She scooted in beneath his arm and leaned against him. The top of her cap rubbed under his chin and her shoulder lay warm against his chest. He’d wager she felt his heart charging the front lines.
A hawk screed above them in a spiraling rise. Once it reached its flight point, it tilted off toward higher ground, its broad wings spread wide against a blue backdrop.
She relaxed, her head back as she watched the bird. “They ride the thermals, you know.”
“Hmm.” He ran his hand over her shoulder, enjoying the softness of her, breathing in her sweet scent. They’d never sat like this as kids. They’d never touched, other than him giving her a hand up or her slugging his arm.
“The heat carries them as it rises.” She sounded like she was trying to convince herself.
“All they do is spread their wings.”
She stiffened and sat up, wonder washing her face. “That’s it!”
“That’s what?” He was quickly losing track of the conversation.
“That’s what I couldn’t figure out.”
“You couldn’t figure out that they spread their wings?”
Something in her retreated, and the mood between them shifted. What had he said?
“Tell me what you mean.”
“It’s nothing.” She tugged her ponytail over her shoulder and combed through it with her fingers. “Something I’ve been thinking about for a few days, that’s all.”
“I’ll listen.”
A door closed in her beautiful brown eyes, and the stoicism returned. “Maybe when I understand it better myself.” ~The Miracle Tree
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This was Ty’s favorite scripture! Being a runner and backpacker, he had to have stamina. This scripture always inspired him to keep going.
Love that, Deanna. He understood endurance. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve always loved Isaiah 40:31. We can always look to the Lord when we have become weary and feel like we just can’t go on.
He works miracles in us when we seek Him and just wait for His help. He is always faithful to His Word!
Amen, Karen. Thanks for reading!