Share a Christmas Tradition for a chance to win a novella of your choice!

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Christmas memories rise around me each year like yeast rolls in a warm kitchen. Some are tender and sweet, and some carry a dash of heartache. I can choose which of them to carry with me and which to let go. No sense cluttering my heart with pain when I can fill it with goodness.

Christmas traditions are the same. I choose to repeat the good and discard the not-so-good. And this year I’m beginning a new one. Since there are twenty-four chapters in the Gospel of Luke, I’ll read one chapter each evening beginning Dec. 1. By Christmas Eve, I will have a fresh look at the life of Christ – our Reason for this amazing season.

What are some of your most cherished Christmas memories or traditions? Share one in the comments below and be entered for a chance to win a Christmas novella of your choice.

… and you are to call him Jesus.
Luke 1:31


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ALT="Just in Time for Christmas"When the family finally gathered at the table, Abigale noted that each person had dressed for the occasion. The men were freshly shaved and wearing clean shirts, and Emmy and Ida wore pinafore aprons over their dresses and high color in their cheeks. The meal was as delicious as anticipated, and by the time everyone had finished dessert and moved to sit by the fire, Abigale felt as giddy as young Emmy. Her gaze strayed repeatedly to Seth, who seemed to watch her nearly as much as she watched him. She chose a chair easily moved and scooted it as far from the fire as possible without appearing rude to the people who had so generously welcomed her into their home.

Ben Holt took his place near the hearth and opened his Bible. Emmy propped her dolls around her where she sat on the floor, and Ida folded her hands in her aproned lap. Seth could have been standing on his head for all Abigale knew, because she refused to look at his handsome face. 

Ben cleared his throat. “‘And it came to pass in those days …’”

Pop’s tradition had been similar, reading from the second chapter of Luke, though he did so on Christmas morning. Bittersweet memories laced through Abigale, and she looked at each one before tying them off and tucking them away.

“‘And so it was, that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered …’”

Abigale considered, perhaps for the first time, the double meaning of the word delivered. As a woman, and a ranching woman at that, she had a clear understanding of what the Scripture was saying. Birth. New life. A fresh start with a high-priced risk. But this year the word struck her differently, for she had been delivered from deep sadness, loneliness, and fear. – Just in Time for Christmas

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(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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6 thoughts on “Share a Christmas Tradition for a chance to win a novella of your choice!

  1. Alicia Haney

    When I was growing up and at home with my parents and siblings, we would all make tamales on Christmas Eve. My dad would get the masa ready , while he did that my mom would cook the red chili pork meat and when it was done, my siblings, me , my mom and our grandma would all put the tamales together and then they were steamed until they were done. Next morning for Christmas we would eat tamales . It was so much fun, at it was really a family affair. It would take all day but it was very well worth it. Thank you for the chance.

    1. davalynn

      Alicia – now I’m hungry! What a fun family tradition.

  2. Elaine Kiefer

    We have a large family, 35 when we are all together. It doesn’t happen often because 2 of my children live in Virginia and I live in New York. Every Christmas eve we gather at my son’s home for food, fun, and gifts. We have special dishes we only have at that time, and buy small gifts for everyone. When the grandchildren were young they looked forward to this as much as Christmas morning. On Christmas morning whoever is at our house listens to my husband read the Christmas story from Luke. In the evening we all gather at my daughter’s home for a turkey dinner. We are truly blessed.

    1. davalynn

      Elaine – what lovely traditions! It sounds like they strengthen the family.

  3. Barbara Sanford

    When I was very young, Christmas at my Grandparents meant Santa came with a bag of gifts. My Grandfather owned a beautiful set of old sleigh bells and suddenly they would be ringing near the front door, and with a loud “Ho, ho, ho”, in came Santa. It never seemed to take away that child-like wonder to see he wore a heavy winter jacket, had a rubber mask and fake beard or that the gifts were in a pillowcase… we were in awe that he had come. Some of us went to midnight Mass…a treat for the children to be included, and the others went to the German Lutheran Church in the morning. Later, we all gathered for a wonderful dinner. Simpler times.

    1. davalynn

      Ah, blessings through a child’s eyes, Barbara. The stuff of Christmas.


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