Say What?

ALT="Conversation heart candy"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Conversation hearts – fun, right?

How do I love thee? Let me count the misaligned ways that I can’t even read. These colorful little confectioneries exemplify what has happened to a once tender expression of affection and remind me why I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day.


Okay, let me clarify:

I’m not a fan of what Valentine’s Day has become – an obligatory day of expectation. Who wants someone expressing love because it’s required?

As a Western romance novelist, I should be hat-over-boots in love with anything remotely connected to matters of the heart. And I am. But that’s just the point.

In our U.S. culture, VT Day is more about heart-shaped, cupid-inflicted cards, candy, and credit-card gouging than it is romance, in spite of the millions of dollars spent on advertising to the contrary. Especially commercials denigrating men who fail to buy their sweetheart the “right” gift.

So now that you know I’m not impressed by VT Day, let me tell you why I love writing inspirational romance.

First, a definition.

Literarily speaking, the romance genre promises a happy ending to the story. Christian or inspirational romance keeps God’s principles of fidelity and purity in mind, and ensures no bodice-ripping on the page. That doesn’t mean every character is a perfect, sinless specimen of the human race. We had only one of those.

But inspirational romance should be a “safe” read, whether in a historical period or a contemporary setting.

I like to write inspirational romance because it puts a face on Romans 8:28 that tells us all things work together for good for those who love God. Even the bad stuff. It gives us a taste of what awaits us as believers – a great big Happily Ever After.

Readers of Christian/inspirational fiction typically want one or more of the following:

  • Escape
  • Entertainment
  • Encouragement
  • Inspiration

Readers of inspirational romance end up with all four.

One of the most romantic and inspirational books ever written is Redeeming Love, by renowned author Francine Rivers. Once a non-believer who wrote a different kind of romance, Rivers found the soul-gripping, life-altering love of Jesus, and it changed how she wrote. Her stories have since changed how people live.

This year on VT Day, let’s keep this kind of love in mind – whether we give cards, candy, and kisses or not.

“Love is the way back into Eden. It is the way back to life.” 
                          ― Francine Rivers, Redeeming Love


Who wants someone expressing love because it’s required? Share on X I like writing inspirational romance because it puts a face on Romans 8:28. Share on X


ALT="Straight to My Heart"

Whit hesitated to tell his boss he was in love with his granddaughter. But he was. That was the truth of the matter, and he might as well face the old bull head on.  ~Straight to My Heart







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