On My Own – or not

ALT="man walking along river"

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Two are better than one,
because they have a good reward for their labor.
Ecclesiastes 4:9

*The first morning I saw the white-haired couple on the Riverwalk, I nearly stared. Not because of their age, but because of their unified presence.

The woman wore a thin clear tube around her head that delivered oxygen to her nose from a portable canister. Her male companion wore the canister.

He also held the woman’s hand, walking in step with her so the hose was never stretched or crimped.

In his other hand he held a red-tipped white cane.

He was blind.

They strode along the trail together as if they were forty years younger and in perfect health.

The woman did the seeing, the man did the breathing, in a sense. I suppose she could have carried her own oxygen supply and he could have tapped his cane from side to side, but their cooperative effort in helping one another was a beautiful thing to behold.


They had chosen to be dependent upon each other and were, therefore, more confident—a picture of what dependence can mean. How two can be stronger than one.

When Jesus sent out his disciples, He sent them by twos (see Mark 6:7). Could this have been reflective of His Father’s decree that it wasn’t good for man to be alone?

I doubt the man and woman on the Riverwalk would argue that principle. They chose to not walk alone and had perfected their coupled pace.

Independence, in the personal sense, often leaves much to be desired.

**Often I am by myself, but I’m never alone. I’d hate to be walking this road of life on my own.

Oh Lord, thank You for telling us that You will never leave us or forsake us. Thank You for never leaving us alone. Amen.

For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
for he has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:10

*Excerpted from Always Before Me: 90 story devotions for women – “Going It Alone—Or Not”

**Author’s note: By God’s grace, since the publishing of this devotional book, I am no longer by myself, for I walk with my husband, George. Together, we walk with Jesus.

On my own - or not. Share on X

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2 thoughts on “On My Own – or not

  1. Wow, the image of the couplewasso vivid!! Thank you for this.

    1. davalynn

      You are most welcome, Jennifer. Thanks for reading.


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