Mom’s Best Advice Ever and a Giveaway

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

Mothers are good at giving advice.

(I see some of you rolling your eyes.)

Mom would say, “Don’t roll your eyes, they’ll fall out of your head.”

Well, a few Moms would say that.

But honestly, some of the best advice I’ve received came from my mother.

            Don’t put your hands in the pockets of your sweater; it will sag.

            Wear good undergarments – what if you’re in a wreck?

            Moisturize your neck as well as your face.

Much of my mother’s advice I ignored and I won’t go into that here because this is not a True Confessions Column.

But I will tell you her best advice ever:

            “Love Jesus more than anyone, even me.”

That single sentence has been a rudder for my life.

What about you? 

In the comment section below, share a sentence or two about your mom’s best advice, and you’ll be entered in a random drawing for a signed copy of my story-devotional book, Always Before Me. (Drawing closes May 7, 2024)

By the way, the book would make a great Mother’s Day gift. Just sayin’. Purchase links here.

Honor your father and mother.
Then you will live a long, full life
in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12


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There’s a little cross-over between Mom-care and God-care.

Psalm 121:7 tells me the Lord will keep me safe and watch over me, and He does it all the time, even when I don’t know it.

When the auto-service technician called me out to my car the other day to see the split rubber on the inside of the left front tire, I remembered that verse.

The left front tire is the closest to oncoming traffic. All the other tires on my car were in good shape. There was an imbalance somewhere, a misalignment that I didn’t know about. The fix was easy, but the damages could have been horrific.

This was not the first time the Lord had watched over my life, nor will it be the last. ~Always Before Me

Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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(c) 2024 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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6 thoughts on “Mom’s Best Advice Ever and a Giveaway

  1. Alicia Haney

    The best advice my mom gave me was “Always do the Best you can in everything that you do”. Thank you for the chance.

    1. davalynn

      Great truth, Alicia.

  2. Nanci Carter Slattery

    Mom told me to be sure to complete my college degree so that I could always take care of myself. You should be able to count of yourself no matter where life takes you. Having my degree has given me great peace.

    1. davalynn

      Wise words, Nanci.

  3. Elaine Kiefer

    My mom was what we called a cockeyed optimist. She always saw the bright side of things and taught me to do the same. It could be dark and overcast outside, but she would point to the horizon and say “The sun’s trying to shine over there.”

    1. davalynn

      Love this, Elaine.


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