Life wins!

ALT="pink peach blossoms"

Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer 

One morning last week, an ethereal veil hung over our small orchard, shrouding the budding trees with mist. I wondered, could that be what it looked like in God’s garden that we read about in Genesis?

“… but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground” (2:6).

The account of God’s creation amazes me. It was foundational and well-orchestrated. He created the sustenance of life before He created life: light, water, and soil for the plants, plants for the animals, and then the animals. He provided food for what was coming next.

I also marvel in the seasonal cycles, and I enjoy their visual display here in Colorado. However,  the weather often carries an important life lesson: Be ready for a surprise!

Last week our peach, apple, plum, and pear trees were in bountiful bloom. Five days later snow cloaked their delicate petals, yet they didn’t stop growing.

Life doesn’t just “go on” in the face of unexpected turns, it does much more than that. Life wins!

This two-word phrase is an ongoing mantra for me because I see it over and over in the beauties of nature around me. From killing frost to devastating fires, life breaks out anew.

I also know that our loving Father allows those natural reminders to show us His great faithfulness. In spite of disappointments and setbacks, life wins.

If circumstances drop a heavy spring-like storm of discouragement on you this week, look around and remember His surging, supportive, and comforting presence.

His life within us wins.


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ALT="book cover with cowboy on horse with cattle"Mary lay atop the bed, still wearing her riding clothes, and staring at the ceiling. She might never sleep again.

By her count, she had been in Colorado four weeks, and her life had been threatened four times. Was God trying to tell her something? Was this whole trip a foolish mistake? Should she have stayed in Pennsylvania and married the next dairyman her brother invited to Sunday dinner?

The worst thing that had happened to her there was being kicked into the wall by a cow. She’d never been shot at, burned out, or snared.

Yet if she hadn’t come west, she would not have known about her aunt and uncle’s passing, their farm going up for auction, or the oil seep that could possibly be productive.

And she wouldn’t have fallen in love with a gruff, blue-eyed cowboy who took her breath away. Not to mention three lovable little boys who had stolen her affections at first sight.

“Oh, Lord, you’re all I really have.  All I’ve ever had. Everything else can be taken away.” Grief spilled from the corners of her eyes and into her ears, and she sat up, irritated by such a ridiculous sensation in the midst of her self-pity. ~Hope Is Built

ALT="free book"Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.

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#WesternRomance #CowboyRomance #HistoricalFiction #ChristianFiction

(c) 2023 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “Life wins!

  1. George Casias

    Wooohooo 🥳 you rock as a writer

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, George.

  2. Nanci Carter Slattery

    I love how you compared the Spring blossoms and the snow to our live. It gave me such a great reminder to be grateful!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Nanci. I’m glad it was a blessing.

  3. Karen Gee

    Thank you for your encouraging words once again. I was a bit discouraged last week. But I’m always refreshed on Sunday when our Pastor preaches the Word.
    I’m thankful that I could get outside today to dig around in my flower bed. Spring is a time of renewal!
    I thank God for His many blessings.

    1. davalynn

      You are so right, Karen. Digging into His word and digging into His soil are good activities for our soul.


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