Just As I Am

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By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

I was just nine years old. Just along for the ride. Just sitting in a folding chair in the middle of a football stadium on a starry night with thousands of people who had come to hear Evangelist Billy Graham.

Honestly, I don’t remember much of his message, but I clearly recall the tug on my heart when he said something to the effect of, Come to Jesus as you are.

And then the song began: “Just As I Am.”

I knew about Jesus. Had known about Him for a long time, thanks to my mother who took me to that stadium. But that night, beneath those stars, I also knew that I had to choose Jesus for myself.

Because, you see, God doesn’t have grandkids. Just children.

Since then, not once over the years have I regretted choosing Jesus. It was a critical bend in the road for me.

Most of the world knows that Billy Graham went to meet his Lord face to face last week. His son Franklin said, “His faith has become sight.”

I contend that Dr. Graham’s faith became spiritual sight for many people in many nations and regions worldwide. His message was simple and clear: You need Christ. He loves you.

Thank God, Billy Graham followed the tug on his heart to share that message.


If you have a memory related to Dr. Billy Graham, I’d love for you to share it in the comments below.

God doesn’t have grandkids. Share on X

If you’d like to read Dr. Graham’s autobiography, titled the same as his signature song, you can find it at several outlets. Four are listed below.




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(c) 2018 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved. 

4 thoughts on “Just As I Am

  1. I never saw Billy Graham in person, but heard many of his sermons. He was a great man of God dedicated to the Great Commision of preaching the Truth of God’s Word.
    How excited he must be now seeing Jesus face to face!

    1. davalynn

      Yes, Karen, Faithfulness certainly describes him.

  2. I sang in the choir and served as a counselor when he came to Vancouver. I was an avid reader of Decision magazine, and I was thrilled to be a small part of his crusade. It was amazing to hear him preach every night and see the thousands go forward.

    1. davalynn

      What an honor, Jennifer. I remember how faithfully my counselor corresponded with me over the months after our local crusade.


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