He Restores My Soul

ALT="aspen grove" by Davalynn Spencer

By Davalynn Spencer @davalynnspencer

I’m still in the twenty-third Psalm, wondering why the Shepherd has to make me lie down in green (or golden) pastures.

I think it’s because I don’t stop and rest on my own.

I’m too busy.

I have so much to do.

I don’t have time to rest, so He makes sure I do. And by doing so, He restores me.

The Hebrew word for restore has a lengthy definition including “to turn back again.” To retreat. To build, dig, do something again. Give, call, carry again. The definition gives several examples, but the word again is used 18 times.

See a pattern?

I need more than one time of restoration. I need more than one moment of stillness and calm. I need rest again and again and again.

And He fixes me again and again and again.

He loves us that much.


He restores my soul. Share on X

ALT="An Impossible Price"

Sophie drew in the sweet breath of evening—her favorite time of day when earth and animal settled and night birds laced their lonely songs through scrub oak and cedar. A coyote called not far away, answered by another, and soon was joined by a yipping crowd, no doubt celebrating the demise of a hapless rabbit or two.

And the deeper the sun slid into the western peaks, the deeper her conviction grew that the stranger at the depot was Clay Ferguson.

She shook her head to clear his image. He should be the least of her concerns, the one that deserved the least of her attention. But he hovered above all other thoughts like an insistent hummingbird refusing to sink into the shadows where it belonged.

She reined the mare clear of rock outcroppings where snakes sunned themselves by day and cougars ambushed at dusk. But she also kept one eye on the old girl’s ears, for the horse would tell her if danger lurked nearby.

The country was never predictable. Gentle grasslands on one hand, a predator’s lair on the other. Everything around her seemed to sigh in expectation of rest, and she relaxed in her seat. ~An Impossible Price ***Winner of the Will Rogers Silver Medallion for Western Romance


Inspirational Western Romance – where the hero is heroic.ALT="free book"FREE book and Newsletter!

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(c) 2021 Davalynn Spencer, all rights reserved.

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6 thoughts on “He Restores My Soul

  1. Karen Gee

    I think we are all so busy that we forget to rest!!
    If God rested, maybe we should do the same!!
    I’m really going to do a better job at resting intentionally.
    Thank you for the encouragement.
    Wise advice as always!
    God bless you!!

    1. davalynn

      Thank you, Karen. Yes – intentionally – I think that’s the word.

  2. Alicia Haney

    Good Morning, yes, God gives us time to rest He gives us time for everything. I love the Bible Verses of Ecclesiastes, it sums it All up, There is a Time for Everything, we just have to utilize it. Have a great week and stay safe.

    1. davalynn

      Thank you for reading, Alica.

  3. Vicki Schon

    Amen this is so inspirational. Thank you Davalynn?❤️

    1. davalynn

      So glad you enjoyed it, Vicki. Thanks for reading!


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